Methods of Disseminating the EEO/AA Policy/Plan

Dissemination of the Affirmative Action Policy and Plan

Affirmative Action Policy Dissemination

  1. The policy statement of the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) regarding equal employment opportunity, nondiscrimination, and affirmative action is included in the IDHS "Employee Handbook" received by all IDHS employees. This IDHS Affirmative Action policy and statement can also be accessed through the IDHS intra/internet. Federal policy regarding nondiscrimination in the workplace is posted on all official bulletin boards in all Department offices and facilities informing staff and applicants of their rights under federal, State, and local laws, rules, regulations, and Governor's Office Executive Orders.
  2. The IDHS Affirmative Action policy statement is available to any organizations or individuals upon request.

Affirmative Action Plan Dissemination

  1. The IDHS Affirmative Action Plan is sent via email to the IDHS Executive Leadership members, upon approval.
  2. Copies of the complete IDHS Affirmative Action Plan are available upon request to all employees through IDHS' Bureau of Civil Affairs (BCA) central offices.
  3. Two hard copies and an electronic copy of the IDHS Affirmative Action Plan will be sent to the Illinois State Library (as required by law), and sent electronically to other State and federal regulatory agencies, and any other organizations or individuals, upon request.
  4. The IDHS Affirmative Action Plan is available electronically on the Agency website.