Safety and Sobriety Manual
Best Practices in Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse
January 2005
Domestic Violence/Substance Abuse Interdisciplinary
Task Force Members
Task Force Chairs: Larry Bennett and Margee Morrison
Editor, Best Practices Document: Debi Edmund
- Lynn Ange, Violence Prevention Center of SW Illinois
- Larry Bennett, University of Illinois Chicago, Jane Addams College of Social Work
- Vernie Beorkrem, IFVCC
- Carol Brigman, IDHS, Bureau of Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention
- Dawn Bushma, United States Probation Office, Northern District of Illinois
- Robert Campbell
- Mary Coleman, IDHS, Bureau of Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention
- Reshma Desai, Rainbow House
- Bharti Dev, Apna Ghar
- Steve Doherty, Provident Counseling
- Debi Edmund, Positive Options, Referrals and Alternatives (P.O.R.A.)
- Mike Feinerman, Christine Call and Associates
- Pamela Frazier, N' The Spirit Transformational Living
- Suja George, IDHS, Bureau of Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention
- Karen Gill, IDHS, Bureau of Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention
- Daphne Glanton, Heartland Alliance Women's Program
- Ruben Gonzalez, Resurrection Health Carelprocare Centers
- Julia Green, Gateway Foundation
- Jeann6 Hansen, IDHS, Division of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
- Jessica Hayes, IAODAPCA
- Marco Jacome, Healthcare Alternative Systems
- Robert Jenkins, Gateway Foundation
- Bridget Kelly, Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities
- Janet Knappen, IDHS, Bureau of Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention
- Jeb Kresge, PHASENVAVE
- Amy Lehrner, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Barbara Cray Lokaitis, IAODAPCA
- Kenneth Martin-Ocasio, Lifelink Latino Family Services
- Margee Morrison, ADV and SAS
- Erica Oliver, Gateway Foundation
- Jennifer Orban, IAODAPCA
- Charles Parker, IDHS, Division of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
- Mary Jo Peavy, IADDA
- Susan Peters, Safe Passage
- Judy Petit, PHASENAVE
- Allison Popowski, Family Shelter Service
- Lynn Siegel, Pillars - Constance Morris House
- Pam Stewart, IDHS, Bureau of Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention
- K. Sujata, Apna Ghar
- Pam Thompson, NICASA
- Randall Webber, Chestnut Health Systems/Lighthouse
- Deborah Williams, A Woman's Place Domestic Violence Program
- Pam Wiseman, Safe Passage
- Field Reviewers for Best Practices Document
- Patricia Bland, Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
- Janice DiGirolamo, lllinois Family Violence Coordinating Council
- Maya Hennessey, IDHS, Division of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
- Catherine McNeilly, Illinois MlSA Institute
- Patricia O'Brien, University of Illinois at Chicago
- William L. White, Lighthouse Institute/Chestnut Health Systems