WAG 06-21-03: Reviewing Eligibility

PM 06-21-03

deleted textNever require a person to come into the office to complete a REDE.

Verifications required at REDE are:

  • one proof of income for the last 30 days,
  • revised texrIllinois residence, and
  • proof of current immigration status.

new textAccept information reported on a redetermination form declaring that their resources are below the resource standard for the program, unless questionable. Simplified Processing as described in PM 19-02-03-b applies.

If the client reports a change in immigration status at the redetermination, or at any time, ask for documentation.  If an Alien ID number is provided, revised textrun the Verify Lawful Presence (VLP) clearance. Complete a SAVE inquiry if necessary. 

To verify current immigration status at REDE or when a change is reported, the client must provide:

  • a current statement from their attorney, accredited representative or the torture treatment center confirming that they continue to meet the requirements of this program, or
  • an updated status report, or documentation, from BCIS, U.S. Department of Justice or U.S. Courts.

Note: BCIS, U.S. Department of Justice or U.S. Courts may not provide the client with an updated status report when it is time to complete the REDE if the status has not changed. For this reason, the statement from their attorney or representative is sufficient.

A client may continue to qualify for AATV benefits if they meet the criteria for torture victims, even if their immigration status has changed (see PM 06-21-01). 

If they no longer qualify for AATV, revised textIES will determine whether the person qualifies for continued medical benefits under another program based on case information, or cancel the EDG if not eligible. deleted text

If a client who receives medical benefits under this program enters a long term care (LTC) facility, contact HFS Medical Eligibility Policy at (217) 557-7158.

new textIES REDE Process

The AATV program is not subject to auto-REDE (process A) in IES. The redetermination form that the client receives will contain the following AATV related questions:

  • Do you have a pending asylum application? _ Yes _ No
  • Has the immigration status for you or your family members changed? _ Yes _ No
    • If yes, attach a current letter of confirmation from your attorney or legal representative.
    • If no, attach proof of your current immigration status.
  • Are you receiving federally funded torture treatment services? _ Yes _ No
    • If yes, attach a current letter of confirmation from the torture treatment center
  • Do you have an asylum appeal pending? _ Yes _ No
    • If yes, attach a Form EOIR-26 Notice of Appeal with Filing Receipt for Appeal or Petition for Review of a Board of Immigration Appeals Decision stamped by the U.S. Court of Appeals of the Seventh Circuit.

Note: At IES Phase 2 implementation, these questions will not appear in "Manage My Case" (MMC) for the on line REDE. Until IES is updated to add the AATV questions, when possible, advise the client to return the REDE form with required documentation. Otherwise, a VCL to request the information will be needed.