PM 06-21-01: Program Eligibility

WAG 06-21-01

Special Non-Financial Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for medical assistance as an applicant for asylum or torture victim, a person must meet one of the following two requirements: 1) have a pending asylum application, or 2) be receiving federally funded torture treatment services.

Asylum Application Pending

To meet this criteria, a person must have an application for asylum pending before the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS) or an appeal pending regarding a decision of asylum status before a court of competent jurisdiction. The person must be represented either by counsel, or by an advocate who is accredited by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and employed by a not-for-profit organization, in regard to that application or appeal.

Torture Victim Receiving Treatment

To meet this criteria, a person must be receiving treatment services for torture victims from a federally funded torture treatment center that has been recognized by the Department.

Additional Non-Financial Eligibility Requirements

A person must also meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Is an Illinois resident.
  • Is 19 years of age or older.
  • Is not otherwise eligible for medical assistance.

Note: Individuals under this program are exempt from Social Security Number requirements.

Financial Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible under this program, a person must:

  • Have countable monthly income at or below the regular AABD MANG community income standard (see PM 15-06-02-a), and
  • Have non-exempt assets at or below the AABD MANG asset disregard level (see PM 07-02-01).

Cases in this program cannot be enrolled in spenddown.