Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention


The Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention advises and assists the Lead Agency, Illinois Department of Human Services, Bureau of Early Intervention, in the development, implementation, and evaluation of a comprehensive early intervention program for birth to three infants and toddlers with developmental disabilities and delays and their families.

Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention (IICEI) Overview & How To Apply.

Council Requirements

Training Requirements

Governing Statues

Federal Statute

  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,
    Subchapter III. Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities, Section 1441

State Statute

  • 325 ILCS 20/ Early Intervention Services System Act,
    Paragraph, 4154, Section 4

IICEI Current Membership

Member Name Organization/Affiliation Term Expiration
Matthew Pickett IL Department of Insurance Designee Not Applicable
Aasma Tariq Parent Representative 10/20/26
Lisa J. Betz IDHS Designee, Division of Mental Health Not Applicable
Lynnette DeGraffenreid Provider Representative, Early Intervention Developmental Therapist 10/20/23
Kristina Doan Illinois State Board of Education Designee, Part B Coord. Not Applicable
Angelia Lee Headstart Representative
Charles Farr Child and Family Connections Representative, Rural Area 06/03/25
Michael Garner-Jones IDHS Designee, Division of Early Childhood, Child Care Representative Not Applicable
Jennifer Gentile IDHS Designee, Division of Developmental Disabilities Not Applicable
Margaret Harkness Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities Designee Not Applicable
Benjamin Delgado, Jr. Illinois Department of Human Services - Division of Early Childhood -
Bureau of Early Intervention - Part C Coordinator/Chief
Not Applicable
Ginger Mullin, Au.D. Illinois Department of Public Health Designee Not Applicable
Alison Liddle Provider Representative, Chair
Rosa Milagros Santos Personnel Preparation Representative 10/20/25
Shelly Roat Illinois Division of Specialized Care for Children Designee Not Applicable
Katherine Ulmer Illinois State Board of Education - McKinney-Vento Homeless Education -
Homeless Representative
Not Applicable
Angel Williams IL Department of Children & Family Services Designee Not Applicable
Anastasios "Taso" Michalopulos Provider Representative 10/20/26
Brittni Monreal Parent Representative 10/20/26
Carol Muhammad Child and Family Connections Representative, Urban Area 04/19/25
Kesha Harris Parent Representative 10/20/26
Lisa Karp Provider Representative
Meredith Barnes Parent Representative 10/20/26
Zareen Kamal Advocate Representative 06/03/25
Zee Parton Provider Representative 10/03/25

IICEI Meetings

IICEI Workforce Workgroup

IICEI Workforce Workgroup Members

Name Email Stakeholder Group Discipline/Agency CFC
Amanda Albright Provider SLP/ISHA 9, 11
Talibah Moore Advocate COFI, Raising Illinois
Autumn Bruere Provider DTH
Antonio Borjas Provider Interpreter Cook
Michelle Clyne Provider DTV 5,6, 7, 8,9,10,11,12
Susan Connor EI Partner EITP
Tracy Cooper Provider LCSW, IAIMH 1,8,9,11,12,15
Jen Crick Provider DT/IDTA 2, 25
Rob Derry EI Partner Provider Connections
Chelsea Guillen EI Partner Ombudsman/ EITP
Kesha Harris Parent Sangamon County
Katie Jacobs EI Bureau
Zareen Kamal Advocate Start Early
Jennie Masterson Provider PT 22
Rachel Mika Provider PT/IPTA 4, 5, 15
Carol Muhammad CFC Program Manager 10
Monica Patrick CFC Program manager 9
Makenzie Pettit Provider SLP 14, 16
Amy Santos Preservice IICEI Preservice rep
Delreen Schmidt-Lenz Provider SW, SEC 20
Ellen Shwatal Provider DT/IDTA 4, 5
Ashley Stoffel Preservice, Parent OT, UIC OT program, ILOTA 9, 11
Nicole Van Hise CFC Program manager 22

IICEI Workforce Workgroup Meetings

Meeting Archives - (2008 - 2021)

IDHS Administrative Support

Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Early Childhood
Bureau of Early Intervention
823 East Monroe Street
Springfield, IL 62701
Phone: 217/782-1981