PM 06-24-04
Financial Requirements
The income standard for HBWD is 350% of the Federal Poverty Level.
Refer to WAG 25-03-02(2) for current income standards.

Persons Considered Employed
To eligible for HBWD, the person must be considered employed.
If the following situations exist, a person may be enrolled in the program without providing proof of current employment or self-employment:
- Person has proof of starting a new job within 60 days of the date of application. Eligibility will not begin until employment begins and the premium is paid; or
- Person is unable to work due to medical reasons after enrolllment begins.
To be eligible for continued medical benefits when unable to work due to medical reason the cleint must:
- report unemployment within 30 days after the first day of unemployment began;
- provide a written physican's statement with the anticipated date of return to work within 90 days; and
- continue to pay monthly premiums.
To be eligible for continued medical when employment ended for another reason, the person may continue to be enrolled for 30 days after employment ends if they pay their premium(s).