WAG 06-24-02 Application Process

PM 06-24-02


The HBWD Unit will process and maintain applications/cases and determine eligibility for participants who are no longer eligible for HBWD.

The HBWD Unit will determine on-going eligibility for regular AABD medical (excluding spenddown and LTC), QMB, or SLIB only cases.

The HBWD Unit is located in the Central Office. Mail applications to:

  • Health Benefits for Workers with Disabilities
  • PO Box 19145
  • Springfield, IL 62794-9145
  • or fax it to (217) 558-0031

The HBWD Unit will cancel the active AABD case when an HBWD application is approved.


DHS Family Community Resource Center (FCRC) will provide applications to working persons with a disability in the following situations if:

  • an AABD client's income or assets causes a loss of regular medical benefits and causes the case to go into spenddown;
  • a working individual with a disability is denied or cancelled due to income, assets or a CAU decision, or
  • upon request.

FCRC must forward the HBWD application to the HBWD Unit. Attach transmittal Form HFS 3709MB (Health Benefits for Workers with Disabilities) to the front of the application. FCRC staff does not determine eligibility for the HBWD program.

The FCRC does not cancel a case when a referral is made to HBWD. If the case is receiving SNAP benefits, the DHS Central Office will notify the DHS FCRC to set up a SNAP only case.

DHS FCRC staff may refer individuals who have questions about HBWD to

1-800-226-0768 (TTY: 1-866-675-8440).