DASA Budget Briefing


Addictions remain a pressing social problem nationally and in Illinois. Left untreated, addictions can cause debilitating consequences to individuals, families and communities. This results in dramatic costs to society. The Division of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse (DASA) is the designated lead agency to address addiction issues in Illinois. DASA and the Office of Prevention work together to provide a comprehensive prevention, intervention and treatment system to the citizens of Illinois.

DASA's responsibilities are to license, develop, maintain, monitor and evaluate a comprehensive statewide intervention and treatment delivery system. System components include: screening, assessment, referral, intervention, treatment and continuing care for individuals with limited or no financial resources. Intervention and treatment services include: community and early intervention, detoxification, outpatient,

intensive outpatient, residential rehabilitation and extended aftercare services. DASA contracts with community-based treatment organizations to operate the system according to the needs of various communities and populations.

FY08 Highlight

  • The FY08 budget proposal includes $750K to continue funding the Access to Recovery (ATR) project. The Access to Recovery project provides peer-to-peer, recovery support, and treatment services to individuals with addiction disorders who are on probation in Cook County and the Fifth and Sixth Judicial Circuits of Illinois.
  • The FY08 budget proposal also includes $351K to continue a portion of the ACT Team services provided via the federal CSAT award. The funding is directed at key recovery support services currently provided via the Federal Chicago Collaborative to End Chronic Homeless project.
  • In addition, the budget proposal includes $200K in appropriation authority to reactivate the Group Home Loan Revolving Fund. This fund is used to make two year 5 loans up to $5,000 to assist in underwriting the start up costs of housing for groups of at least six persons recovering from addiction disorders or dependency and seeking a drug-free independent living environment.