IITAA Standards Workgroup Meeting Minutes - 10/24/2007


  • Patrick Beaird, CMS
  • Richard Chamberlain, WIU
  • John Cunningham, CMS
  • Andy Georgopoulos, CMS
  • Barb Minton, CMS
  • Janet Peter, Great Lakes ADA
  • Dave Porter
  • Melissa Romanotto, DHS DRS
  • Ron Sanderson, CMS
  • Susie Saputo, DHS MIS
  • Mike Scott, DHS DRS
  • Gene Walker, DHS DRS


Since the last meeting we had a face-to-face meeting at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to discuss changes to the Illinois Web Accessibility Standards 1.8. This meeting focused on revising the standards pertaining to forms (section 10) and scripting (section 13).

We will review the rest of IWAS 1.8 in a follow up face-to-face technical meeting, scheduled for Monday, October 29th in Springfield. Please email dhs.accessibility@illinois.gov by October 26th if you would like to attend. If you cannot attend but would like to provide input, please see the IWAS Standards Review meeting announcement and provide your comments via email to dhs.accessibility@illinois.gov.

Gene Walker and Mike Scott met with Curtis Thompson (State Procurement Officer for DHS), Ben Bagby (CMS Legal), Omar Calabrese & Gwen Jurgens (CMS Bureau of Strategic Sourcing and Procurement) to start the process of integrating the accessibility standards into procurement language. This may involve creation of rules through JCAR. For now, Curtis Thompson will post a notice on the Illinois Procurement Bulletin Board to notify vendors about the Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Act and point them to the IITAA web site.


How can we reach out to a wider audience to let them know about IITAA? Current outreach is through the IITAA web site, the Illinois General Assembly web site (where the full text of the act is posted), the Illinois Procurement Bulletin Board, and the outreach being done by IITAA participants.

We also will contact the governor's press office about a possible press release.

Next Meeting

The next IITAA Workgroup Teleconference will be held on Wednesday, November 7, 2007 at Hay-Edwards Building, Room 325, 400 W Lawrence, Springfield from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM. The teleconference number is 1-800-930-8829. The passcode is 9125949#. If you need a special accommodation, please email dhs.accessibility@illinois.gov.

At this meeting we will discuss the revised Illinois Web Accessibility Standards (to be posted shortly after our October 29th IWAS Review meeting) and move into the next phase of the IITAA Workgroup - recommendations for procurement language that can be incorporated into existing State procurement processes to ensure compliance with accessibility standards.