WAG 06-20-03: BCC Application Process

PM 06-20-03

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FCRC Responsibilities

If the FCRC learns that a person could benefit from the BCC Program, instruct the person to call the DPH Women's Health Helpline at 1-888-522-1282 (TTY: 1-800-547-0466) for information or visit their website at www.cancerscreening.illinois.gov

Accept and process a regular medical application if the person wants to apply for medical benefits through the FCRC.

BCC Eligibility Unit Responsibilities

The BCC Eligibility Unit determines eligibility, authorizes medical benefits and maintains active cases under the BCC Program. The BCC Eligibility Unit determines eligibility for other HFS programs before opening a BCC case.

BCC contacts the person by telephone, mail, or other appropriate means to complete the application process. This unit is located at:

  • Breast and Cervical Cancer (BCC) Eligibility Unit
  • P.O. Box 19122
  • Springfield, IL 62794-9122
  • 866-460-0913 (Voice)
  • 877-204-1012 (TTY)
  • 217-557-3524 (Fax)