PM 06-26-01
Opt-in Example 1: Applicant starts an application for himself in Apply for Benefits (AFB) via ABE online. On both the Program selection and Individual pages he selects 'Yes' to both Healthcare Coverage and the Family Planning program. Applicant is now considered an opt-in Family Planning application.
Opt-in Example 2: Applicant A starts an application in AFB via ABE for herself and her spouse. On the Program Selection page, applicant selects 'Yes' for both Healthcare Coverage and the Family Planning Program. On the individual screens, applicant selects 'Yes' for both Healthcare Coverage and the Family Planning Program for herself, but selects 'Yes' for Healthcare Coverage and 'No' for Family Planning for her spouse. Applicant is now considered an opt-in Family Planning application whereas her spouse is not.
Opt-in Example 3: Applicant B applied for full medical only, without opting-in to Family Planning, and was determined eligible. Three months later the applicant calls the FCRC to request Family Planning opt-in to be added to the case. Caseworker makes the update through Case Change on the "Program Request-Individuals" page in IES. At redetermination the case will now cascade to Family Planning determination if determined ineligible for full medical.
Opt-in Example 4: Applicant C starts an application in AFB via ABE. Applicant selects 'Yes' to Healthcare Coverage and 'No' to the Family Planning program. Application is for full medical coverage and Family Planning eligibility will not be determined if applicant is found ineligible for healthcare coverage.
Standalone Example: Applicant D starts an application in AFB for himself. On the Program selection page applicant selects 'No' to Healthcare Coverage and 'Yes' to the Family Planning program. Applicant's eligibility will be determined for Family Planning and will not be determined for full healthcare coverage.
Not Provided Example 1: Caseworker receives an application which does not contain the option to request the Family Planning program and the applicant does not make any comment regarding wanting to apply for Family Planning. Caseworker will select the 'Not Provided' value in IES on the "Register Program-Program" page for all individuals on the application.
Not Provided Example 2: Caseworker receives a paper application which has Family Planning as a program option. The applicant did not mark either "Yes' or 'No' for the Family Planning program. Caseworker selects 'Not Provided' on the "Register Program-Program" page in IES.