OIG Training

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) provides training to the staff of DHS facilities, community agencies, and other state agencies and entities.


Rule 50

  • Training sessions provide information on the overall content and interpretation of Rule 50, as adopted on March 25, 2010. Rule 50 training sessions are open to staff of any community agency or department facility.
  • Rule 50 training topics include:
    • identification of abuse and neglect,
    • who is covered by the Rule,
    • reporting requirements,
    • first response expectations,
    • findings and appeals, and
    • the process used for reporting substantiated abuse and neglect to the Health Care Worker Registry.

Rule 50.30(f)

  • This training is slanted towards those persons who wish to comply with Section 30.(f) of Rule 50.  This section mandates that all agencies must have at least one staff member trained in the preliminary steps of an investigation.  This includes: securing the scene, taking photos, collecting evidence, collecting written statements, etc.  Registrants must also receive prior approval from the agency or facility OIG liaison and from OIG before registering, as OIG has other specific limitations on who may attend.