Part I. Applying for Licensure
An application and all schedules can be downloaded from the SUPR Licensing and Certification Forms Webpage.
The SUPR Licensing and Certification Forms Webpage includes:
- Links to Administrative Codes 2060 and 2090 which are the licensing and Medicaid certification regulations;
- The application, all related schedules and a federal form W-9 and associated instructions;
- An Architect's Life Safety Inspection Report; and
- Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) application checklist.
Part II. Applying for Funding
After having completed the licensing proess of the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (SUPR) and being approved to hold a license, an organization can operate as a non-funded entity. In the event that the licensed organization desires to obtain funding to serve eligible indigent individuals and/or their families, they may submit a request for funding to SUPR. An application for funding can be submitted by responding to a Request for Proposal issued by the Illinois Department of Human Services or by sending a letter of inquiry regarding the availability of future funding opportunities. This inquiry may be emailed to .The letter should highlight the following:
- Rationale for and amount of funding requested.
- Population and geographic area to be served.
- Number of persons projected to receive services.
- Verification of unmet need.
- Brief history of the organization/individual vitae.
- Three letters of community support.
- Provider's ability to deliver services using evidence based models.
- Provider's history in delivering substance use disorder treatment and other related services.
Responses should be brief and the letter should not exceed more than five pages, single-spaced on standard 8.5 x 11 paper. Each letter of inquiry will be reviewed on its own merit and a response will be issued regardless of whether or not funding is available or awarded.
Federal Funding Opportunities- The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary source of federal grant funds in direct support of substance use prevention, recovery and treatment services. Visit the SAMHSA website to view current funding opportunities and review awardees. Additionally, there is information and training videos to assist you in understanding how to frame a successful application and links to other helpful sites.