To qualify for initial and ongoing waiver services, the following criteria must be met:
- the person must be age 3 through 21;
- a physician must determine that the person requires a level of care provided by a hospital or long term care facility, but can be provided outside of an institution;
- the person has a developmental disability; and
- the waiver is a cost effective alternative to institutional placement.
Children who are wards of the state or in foster care placement are not eligible for this program.
Waiver children are not to be included in Share, Premium, Rebate or Spenddown cases.
The child's resources are considered and the child must meet the non-financial factors of eligibility.
If the FCRC learns that a person age 3 through 21 could benefit from waiver services, or would be institutionalized if such care is not provided in the home, instruct the client to call 1-888-337-5267 (TTY: 866-376-8446) or visit their website at
www.dd.illinois.gov/. The call is free.
Note: The person does not have to be eligible for medical benefits to be eligible for services under these waivers. If the parent's income makes the child ineligible, then the parent's income is not considered.