One-on-one communication between a consumer and mental health professionals or with family members or others with a direct interest as decided by the consumer.
Individual client-specific professional communications among provider staff, or between provider staff and staff of other agencies who are involved with service provision to the client. The professional communication shall include offering or obtaining a professional opinion regarding the client's current functioning level or improving the client's functioning level, discussing the client's progress in treatment, adjusting the client's current treatment, or addressing the client's need for additional or alternative mental health services. Specific documentation of the delivery of mental health client-centered consultation service must include a description of the consultation that occurred, the professional consulted, and the resulting recommendations.
To Get Help
Contact the nearest Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) by
In life threatening, emergency or crisis situations call 911. Hospitals, police, and fire department personnel are trained responders to situations involving mental health issues.