PM 19-07-04-a
Form 1893, Redetermination Application is the REDE application for both Change Reporting units and Mid-Point Reporting units. Form 1893 is centrally generated. The annual face-to-face REDEs for Mid-Point Reporting units appear on the SNAP Units Receiving Form 1893 Mobius Report #84660992.
A TANF case (without SNAP) is in Mid-Point Reporting see PM 19-02-06.
Note: For any REDE that is not completed using same day processing, register the REDE application, see WAG 19-03-03.
For local offices that choose to schedule interviews, do the following:
- Schedule an interview with the customer using the Instructions to Client (Form 1721). Inform the customer to bring their completed REDE Form 1893, Attachment to Redetermination Application Form (4765B).
- If the customer loses Form 1893 or Form 4765B, give them SNAP Application (Form 683 )and Form 4765B to complete.
- Process the SNAP REDE using normal procedures; see PM 19-03-03 and WAG 19-03-03. For the TANF REDE, see PM 19-02-01 and WAG 19-02-01.
For offices that wait for the customer to respond to Form 1893, take the following actions
- Schedule an interview when the customer contacts the local office, or complete the interview if the customer comes into the local office. Use Instructions to Client (Form 1721) to confirm a scheduled interview. See PM 02-06-01-b for exceptions to waiving the face-to-face interview.
- When the client comes to the interview, have them complete Form 683 and give them Form 4765B, if they did not bring Form 1893 with them.
- If the client comes to the office without scheduling an interview, have them complete Form 683, and give them Form 1721 to request the needed pay stubs. Explain to the client that pay stubs from the last 30 days are needed, and to return the needed stubs within 10 days.
- Once all required information is received, process the SNAP REDE using the following procedures. See PM 19-03-03 and WAG 19-03-03.
- Determine eligibility and benefit amount using the income from the last 30 days, see WAG 13-02-03. For the TANF REDE, see PM 19-02-01 and WAG 19-02-01. If a case receives FHP, and countable income is less than 133% of the FPL, code the case that a REDE was completed. Take appropriate action on any adults in the case.
- If eligible, approve the case for the regular roll month. Enter a 12-month approval period in Item 24 and enter an (R) in Item 36.
- The system centrally enrolls the case into Mid-Point Reporting(MPR) with an Item 80 code 656 (I) and sends Form 4769, Redeterminatin Fact Sheet.
For SNAP, if the unit does not contact the local office, take no action and let the approval period expire.
For TANF, if the client does not contact the local office, send the client Form 1721 scheduling an office interview. Schedule an office interview that does not interfere with the client's work schedule. Wait until the the first calendar day of the last month of the SNAP approval period (the date in Item 24) to determine when to send Form 1721 to schedule the interview.
Example: A client has a date of 02/17 in Item 24. Form 1893 is sent to the client approximately 01/04/17. Wait until 02/01/17 to hear from the client. If the client has not called for an interview, send the client Form 1721 scheduling an interview.