27-77-00 Item 77: Last Beginning Med. Elig. Date

  1. TA 10, TA 11, TA 12, TA 13, TA 15, TA 31, TA 41, and TA 55
    1. All Cash Cases and Regular MANG
    2. Spenddown Cases
  2. TA 34, TA 39 - Adding a Person to a Case
    1. Adding One Person (Cash or All Kids Assist)
    2. Adding More Than One Person (Cash or All Kids Assist)
    3. Adding a Newborn (TANF Cash or All Kids Assist/Moms and Babies)
    4. Spenddown

Item 77, Last Beginning Medical Eligibility Date, is used to report the first day of eligibility for medical coverage. For spenddown cases, Item 77 is also used to report the first day of the 12-month enrollment period.

Item 77 is used for all cash cases, All Kids Assist, Moms and Babies, AABD MANG, BCC, and RRA MANG cases. Complete for TA 10, TA 11, TA 12, TA 13, TA 15, and TA 41; and for TA 34 when adding a person to a case. Also complete Item 77 when reissuing benefits that includes a medical card (TA 55), adding a person to a medical extension or canceled case (TA 39), or when ending a medical sanction (TA 31, change Item 78 from 4 to a dash). Item 77 is also completed when canceling a case with a medical extension (TA 22).

The following are descriptions of some of the more common situations for completing Item 77.

TA 10, TA 11, TA 12, TA 13, TA 15, TA 31, TA 41, and TA 55

All Cash Cases and Regular MANG

For TA 11, TA 12, TA 13, TA 15, TA 41, and TA 55, enter the first day of the month that the case is determined eligible for medical coverage. The first day of medical eligibility is:

  • the first day of the calendar month of application, or
  • the first day of the earliest eligible backdated month.
    • For AABD and TANF, it can be no earlier than 3 months before the month of application, or
    • text deleted
    • for BCC, it can be no earlier than 3 months before the month of application.  However, it can be no earlier than the first day of the month of the screening, test or procedure that led to the diagnosis of breast or cervical or a precancerous condition. 

When ending a medical sanction due to noncooperation with medical support rights or child support enforcement, enter in Item 77 the first day of the month that the client cooperated.

 The date entered in Item 77 is not on the turnaround Form 552.

Spenddown Cases

For unmet Spenddown cases, enter in Item 77 the first day of the first month of the enrollment period. This date can be as early as the first day of the 3-month backdate period, if the client requested backdating.

For TA 11 and TA 12, if spenddown is met for the first month of the enrollment period, enter in Item 77 the 6-digit date that spenddown was met. If spenddown is met for a month other than the first month of the enrollment period, enter the first month of the enrollment period in Item 77, and process a separate action to meet spenddown.

For TA 55 actions to meet spenddown, enter in Item 77 the 6-digit date spenddown was met.

NOTE: The date entered in Item 77 is not shown in Item 77 on the turnaround Form 552. The system enters the 6-digit date in the Item 80 spenddown indicator code (TOTAL COST column). For TA 31 actions to change a case from spenddown to Regular MANG, enter in Item 77 the first month that the case was eligible without a spenddown.

TA 34, TA 39 - Adding a Person to a Case

Adding One Person (Cash or All Kids Assist)

Enter the first day of the month of the requested addition, or the first day of the 3-month backdate period, if the client requested backdating.

Adding More Than One Person (Cash or All Kids Assist)

If the beginning medical eligibility date for each person being added is the same, enter that date in Item 77. If the date is not the same, then process a separate TA 34 action to add each person with a different eligibility date.

Adding a Newborn (TANF Cash or All Kids Assist/Moms and Babies)

When adding a newborn, always backdate medical eligibility, if eligible. Backdate medical even if the caretaker relative does not request it or claims the child did not receive medical services during the backdate period. If the date of birth is 10/01/84 or later, backdate medical for up to 12 months, if the mother was eligible for and received medical during that period. Do not backdate medical for any month before the month of birth.

 When adding a person to a canceled All Kids Assist Regular case, enter the 6-digit date. The date cannot be more than 3 months before the month of application or the month Form 243 was completed, signed, and filed.


To add a person to a canceled All Kids Assist Spenddown case, the case must have been in "MET" status or an All Kids Assist Regular case for the period requested.