27-33-02-l: Cancellation (TA 22, TA 23, TA 28, TA 45)

revised textThis sub-topic describes the TARs used for canceling AABD Cash and Medical. The TAR also cancels SNAP benefits if the case is ineligible for SNAP  and the SNAP benefits are on the same Form 552. For complete information on the effect of a cash or medical cancellation on SNAP benefits, see PM 18-04-11 and WAG 18-04-11.

For most cancellation TARs, a central notice is sent unless suppressed in Item 39. For SWAP (TA 81 or TA 82) TARs, see WAG 27-33-02-q.

Information Used in the "Reason for Cancellation" Box

If a Type Action Reason (TAR) can be used to cancel both a Cash case and a Medical Only case, the box shows: (Cash and Medical)

NOTE: When a TAR calls for the entry of a 6-digit date, enter the date:

  • in REMARKS (Box 85 = mm/dd/yy) on Form 552 for IPACS, or
  • on the Action to Be Taken Screen for ACM.

The TARs in this sub-topic are broken down into the following separate charts:

Nonfinancial Reasons (TA 22, TA 23, TA 45)

Only person in case died.

The customer's name is centrally entered.

(Cash, Medical, and SNAP)

It has been reported that ________ is deceased. PM 22-06 PM 01-03

Se ha reportado que _________ fallecio.


Case approved in error

FCRC completes the notice.

(Cash and Medical)

Explain the reason why the case was opened in error.

Closed due to combining cases.

(Categories 92 and 93)

Your case has been combined with another case. PM 04-03

Su caso se ha combinado con otro caso.


Found not disabled or blind by ALJ and Department accepts finding as final.

 (Cash Only)

An Administrative Law Judge has found you "not blind" or "not disabled." The Department accepts this finding as final. PM 03-09 PM 03-18

Un Juez de Derecho Administrativo ha determinado que usted "no es ciego" o "incapacitado". El Departamento accepta esta determinación como una decisión final.


SSA determined customer not disabled.

(Cash and Medical)

(Categories 03, 92, and 93)

The Social Security Administration has determined you are not disabled. PM 03-07 PM 03-08

Usted fue determinado(a) no incapacitado por la Administración del Seguro Social.


Department determined customer not disabled.

(Cash and Medical)

(Categories 03 and 93)

Our Department has determined you are not disabled. If you wish to get more information about the reason for this decision, contact the local DHS office. PM 03-07

Nuestro Departmento ha determinado que usted no es incapacitado. Si usted desea obtener más información acerca de la razón para ésta decisión, llame a la oficina local de la DHS.


Admitted to public institution.

(Cash, Medical, and SNAP) 

You have been admitted to a Public Institution. PM 03-10 PM 20-08 PM 04-05

Usted ha sido ingresado a una Institución Pública.


Moved out of Illinois, or Illinois residency not verified.

(Cash, Medical, and SNAP) 

You do not meet the Illinois residence requirement. PM 03-02

Usted no cumple con el requisito de residencia de Illinois.


Transfer to Category 01 or 91.

(Cash, Medical, and SNAP)

(Categories 02, 03, 92, and 93)

You will be receiving benefits under the AABD(A) program. PM 01-01 PM 18-04

Usted recibirá ayuda bajo el programa de AABD(A).


Transfer to Category 02 or 92.

(Cash, Medical, and SNAP)

(Categories 01, 03, 91, and 93)

You will be receiving benefits under the AABD(B) program. PM 01-01 PM 18-04

Usted recibirá ayuda bajo el programa de AABD(B).


Transfer to Category 93.

(Medical and SNAP)

(Category 92)

You will be receiving benefits under the AABD(D) program. PM 01-01 PM 18-04

Usted recibirá ayuda bajo el programa de AABD(D).


Transfer to TANF Cash or Category 94.

(Cash and Medical) 

You will be receiving benefits under the TANF program. PM 01-01

Usted recibirá ayuda bajo el programa de TANF.


Customer requested cancellation.

(Cash and Medical)

Valid for Cancel and Swap 

Your benefits have been canceled at your request. PM 01-01

Sus beneficios han sido cancelados por usted haberlo pedido.


Cancellation of a QMB Only or SLIB Only case to register an application for Cash or Medical.

This code authorizes a 3-month extension of QMB or SLIB benefits.

No notice is sent.
A3  Person does not meet definition of uninsured for this program.

You have other health insurance. PM 06-20

Usted tiene otro seguro de salud. PM 06-20

A4 Person does not meet treatment criteria for the BCC program

According to our records, you are no longer in need of treatment for breast, cervical or a related cancer. PM 06-20

Según nuestros registros, usted ya no necesita tratamiento para cáncer del seno, del cerviz u otro cáncer relacionado. PM 06-20

A5 Person does not meet age criteria for the BCC program.

According to our records you are 65 years old. You may apply for medical benefits at your local Department of Human Services office. PM 06-20

Según nuestros registros usted tiene 65 años de edad. Usted puede solicitar beneficios médicos en su oficina local del Departamento de Servicios Humanos. PM 06-20

A6 Person will receive benefits under the Family Assist program. 

You will be receiving benefits under the Family Assist program. PM 06-20

Usted recibirá beneficios bajo el programa Ayuda a la Familia. PM 06-20

A7 Person will receive benefits under the FamilyCare program. 

You will be receiving benefits under the FamilyCare program. PM 06-20

Usted recibirá beneficios bajo el programa FamilyCare. PM 06-20

A8 Person will receive benefits under the All Kids program. 

You will be receiving benefits under the All Kids program. PM 06-20

Usted recibirá beneficios bajo el programa All Kids. PM 06-20

B2 Person no longer working or failed to provide proof of employment/FICA/IMRF.

You did not provide proof of your employment. You failed to provide proof of FICA/IMRF payment or its equivalent.

Usted no proveyó comprobante de pago de FICA/IMRF o su equivalente.

B3 Active case did not pay premium.

You did not pay your premium.  You must reapply if you are still interested in receiving benefits.

Usted no pagó sus primas. Usted debe solicitar de nuevo si todavía esta interesado en recibir beneficios.


Person no longer elegible for QI-I benefits due to receipt of HBWD

Code used by DHS only.

You are no longer eligible for payment of your Medicare Part B premium because you receive full Medicaid benefits.

Usted ya no es elegible para pagos de prima de Medicare Parte B debido a que usted recibe beneficios completos de Medicaid.

B7 Enrolled cases did not pay premium.

You did not pay your premium.  You must reapply if you are still interested in receiving benefits.

Usted no pagó sus primas. Usted debe solicitar de nuevo si todavía esta interesado en recibir beneficios.

B8 Person determined not disabled.

You do not meet the Department's definition of having a disability. If you wish to get more information about the reason for this decision, call 1-800-226-0768.

Usted no reúne la definición de discapacitado del Departamento. Si usted desea más información sobre la razón para esta decisión, llame al 1-800-226-0768.

Financial Reasons (TA 22, TA 23, TA 45)

Nonexempt assets exceed Asset Limit.

(Cash and SNAP)

Your nonexempt assets exceed the maximum allowed for your unit. PM 07-02 PM 07-04

Su bienos, no exentos, exceden el maximo permitido para su unidad de ayuda/hogar.


Nonexempt income exceeds QMB/SLIB/QI-1 Income Standard.

(Medical Only)

Your nonexempt income exceeds the QMB/SLIB Income Standard. PM 06-12 PM 06-13

Sus ingresos no exentos exceden el Entandar de Ingresos de QMB/SLIB.

B4 Income exceeds 350% of the FPL.

Your income exceeds the allowable income level.

Sus ingresos exceden el límite de ingresos permitidos.

B5 Assets exceed $25,000.

Your assets exceed the allowable asset limit.

Sus bienes exceden el límite de bienes permitidos.

New textK4 Income exceed 138% of the FPL You do not qualify for medical benefits because your income is over the limit. (No SNAP notice is sent.)
Noncompliance with Program Requirements (TA 22, TA 23, TA 45)

Failed to cooperate with medical support rights.

(Medical Only)

You failed to cooperate regarding medical support rights. PM 03-19

Usted falló en cooperar con relación a los derechos de apoyo médico.


Failed to verify income.

Enter the 6-digit date verification was due in REMARKS.

(Cash and Medical)

You failed to verify the amount of your income by _____________. We are unable to determine your continued eligibility. PM 08-02

No ha proveido verificacion de sus ingresos antes del ________. No podemos determinar el mantenimiento de su elegibilidad.


Did not cooperate with DCSS process.

FCRC completes the notice.

(Medical Only)

Enter reason Child Support Sanction, (see WAG 24-04-04 for list of reasons and messages).  PM 24-01

Ineligible for QMB Only, SLIB Only, or QI-1 due to loss of Medicare Part A.

(Medical Only)

You are no longer a Medicare Part A beneficiary. PM 06-12 PM 06-13

Usted ya no es beneficiario de Medicare Parte A.


Noncooperation with policy on liens.

Enter the 6-digit date of noncooperation in REMARKS.

(Cash and Medical)

You did not cooperate with Department policy by _________ regarding property liens. PM 23-09

Usted no cooperó con el reglamento del Departamento sobre gravámenes de propiedad para el ____________.


Noncooperation with policy on getting support from legally responsible relative.

Enter the 6-digit date of noncooperation in REMARKS.

(Cash Only)

You did not cooperate by ________ in attempts to secure support from legally responsible relatives. PM 09-02

Usted no cooperó antes del ______ en atentar de conseguir sustento de familiares legalmente responsables.


Did not return REDE report form.

Enter the 6-digit date by which the client was to return form in REMARKS.

(Cash, Medical, SNAP) 

You did not return your redetermination report form by _______. PM 19-02

Usted no devolvio su forma de reporte de determinación nueva antes del _________.

You failed to cooperate in determining eligibility. PM 19-05


Did not provide required verification.

Enter the 6-digit date that the requested verification was due in REMARKS.

(Cash, Medical, SNAP) 

You did not provide necessary verification by _________. PM 19-02

Usted no proveyó las verificaciones necesarias antes del _________.

You failed to cooperate in determining eligibility. PM 19-05


Did not keep appointment to determine ongoing eligibility.

Enter the 6-digit date of the missed appointment in REMARKS.

(Cash, deleted text FS) 

You did not keep your scheduled appointment on ______ that was needed to determine your continued eligibility. PM 19-02

No asistio a su cita fijada el _______ la cual era necesaria para determinar si su elegibilidad continua.

You failed to cooperate in determining eligibility. PM 19-05


Unable to locate customer to determine ongoing eligibility.

Enter the 6-digit date in REMARKS that the FCRC decided they could not locate the customer.

(Cash, Medical, SNAP) 

As of ________ we have been unable to locate you and are unable to determine your continued eligibility. PM 01-02 PM 01-03

No hemos podido localizarle desde el ___ y no podemos determinar si su elegibilidad continua.


Did not provide an SSN or apply for one.

Enter in REMARKS the 6-digit date that the client did not cooperate by.

(Cash, Medical, SNAP) 

You did not cooperate by ________ with social security requirements. PM 03-11

Usted no cumplio con los requisitos del seguro social antes del __________.

B3 Active case did not pay premium.

You did not pay your premium. You must reapply if you are still interested in receiving benefits.

Usted no pagó sus primas. Usted debe solicitar de nuevo si todavía esta interesado en recibir beneficios.

B7 Enrolled case did not pay premium.

You did not pay your premium. You must reapply if you are still interested in receiving benefits.

Usted no pagó sus primas. Usted debe solicitar de nuevo si todavía esta interesado en recibir beneficios.


Citizenship and identity documentation requirement has not been met.

(Medical only-Adults only not valid for children under age 19)

You did not provide proof of your identity or U.S. citizenship. PM 03-01

Usted no proveyó prueba de su identidad o ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos. PM 03-01


Central Cancellation (TA 28)

Used to centrally cancel medical assistance provided via a TA 10/TAR 37. This medical assistance is authorized on a Cash application for 60 days. (See PM 17-02-02-a and WAG 17-02-02-a.)

(Cash Only)

No notice is sent.

Spenddown case centrally closed at the end of the approval period.

(Medical Only)

No notice is sent.
D5 Person no longer meets the age requirement for HBWD.

You no longer meet the age requirement for HBWD. If you want to apply for continued medical benefits please contact your local DHS office or call 1-800-843-6154.

Usted ya no cumple con el requisito de edad para HBWD. Si desea solicitar para beneficios médicos continuos comuníquese con su oficina local de DHS o llame al 1-800-843-6154.