27-33-04-k: Cancellation (TA 22, TA 23, TA 45)

  1. Nonfinancial Reasons (TA 22, TA 23, TA 45) - SNAP Only (Category 08)
  2. Financial Reasons (TA 22, TA 23, TA 45) - SNAP Only (CATEGORY 08)
  3. Noncompliance with Program Requirements(TA 22, TA 23, TA 45) - SNAP Only (Category 08)

This sub-topic describes the TARs used for canceling a SNAP Only (Category 08) case.

For most TARs a central notice is sent unless suppressed in Item 39.

NOTE: When a TAR calls for the entry of a 6-digit date, enter the date:

  • in REMARKS (Box 85 = mm/dd/yy) on Form 552 for IPACS, or
  • on the Action to Be Taken Screen for ACM.

The TARs in this sub-topic are broken down into the following separate charts:

Nonfinancial Reasons (TA 22, TA 23, TA 45) - SNAP Only (Category 08)

Nonfinancial Reasons (TA 22, TA 23, TA 45) - SNAP Only (Category 08)

Only person in case died.

The client's name is centrally entered.

It has been reported that x x is deceased. PM 22-06 PM 01-03

Se ha reportado que _________ fallecio.


Unit member is probation/ parole violator or fugitive felon.

The client's name is centrally entered. 

___________is in Violation of Probation/ Parole or has fled from the jurisdiction of the court and is considered to be a fugitive felon. PM 03-23

________ está en violación de su libertad condicional o se ha fugado de la jurisdicción de la corte y se considera que es un delincuente fugitivo.

24 Only person in case is institutionalized.

You are a resident of an institution. PM 04-05

Usted vive en una institucion.

51 Does not meet citizen/INS requirements.

Your SNAP case is being canceled because your unit does not meet the citizen/alien requirements. PM 03-01

Sus estampillas de comida están siendo cancelados porque su hogar no reúne los requisitos de ciudadanía/extranjero.

52 Only person in case does not meet special student eligibility criteria.

You do not meet the special student eligibility requirements. PM 03-04

Usted no reune los requisitos estudiantiles especiales de elegibilidad.

60 Intentional Program Violation. FCRC must complete and send the disqualification notice, Form 2550.
70 No one eligible to be in SNAP unit.

There is no eligible member in your SNAP unit. PM 04-05

No hay miembro elegible en su unidad de estampillas de comida.

78 Moved out of Illinois.

You are no longer a resident of Illinois. PM 03-02

Usted ya no vive en Illinois.

80 Receives SNAP with their Category 01 case.

You have been approved for SNAP as part of your AABD(A) case. PM 01-06

Usted ha sido aprobado para sellos de comida como parte de su caso de AABD(A).

81 Receives SNAP with their Category 02 case.

You have been approved SNAP as part of your AABD(B) case. PM 01-06

Usted ha sido aprobado para sellos de comida como parte de su caso de AABD(B).

82 Receives SNAP with their Category 03 case.

You have been approved for SNAP as part of your AABD(D) case. PM 01-06

Usted ha sido aprobado para sellos de comida como parte de su caso de AABD(D).

83 Receives SNAP with a Category 04, 06, or 00 case.

You have been approved for SNAP as part of your TANF or RRA case. PM 01-06

Usted ha sido aprobado para sellos de comida como parte de su caso de TANF o RRA.

85 Receives SNAP with a Category 07 case.

You have been approved for SNAP  as part of your GA case (Chicago only). PM 01-06

Usted ha sido aprobado para sellos de comida como parte de su caso de GA (solamente en Chicago).

86 Case combined with another Category 08 case.

You have been included in another SNAP case. PM 04-05

Usted ha sido incluido en otro caso de estampillas de comida.

90 Unable to locate client in order to determine eligibility.

We have been unable to locate you and are unable to determine your continued eligibility. PM 01-03

No hemos podido localizarle y no podemos determinar su elegibilidad continua.

91 Client requested cancellation.

Your benefits have been canceled at your request. PM 01-01

Sus beneficios han sido cancelados por usted haberlo pedido.

97 Does not meet the work requirement.

You do not meet the work requirement. PM 03-25

Usted no cumple con los requisitos de trabajo.

98 Ineligible due to SNAP Work Sanction

NOTE: Use this TAR if the SNAP unit is ineligible for benefits as a result of the person's needs being deleted from the case. Form 157F will be centrally sent.

See WAG 03-15.

Financial Reasons (TA 22, TA 23, TA 45) - SNAP Only (CATEGORY 08)

Financial Reasons (TA 22, TA 23, TA 45) - SNAP Only (CATEGORY 08)
08 Increased earned income.

Due to increased earned income, your SNAP income is over the gross and/or net income standards maximum for your unit size. PM 13-01

Debido a un aumento en los ingresos de trabajo, sus ingresos para estampillas de comida sobrepasan a los estándares de ingresos brutos y/o netos para el tamaño de su unidad.

09 Increased unearned income.

Due to increased unearned income, your SNAP income is over the gross and/or net income standards for your unit size. PM 13-01

Debido a un aumento de ingresos que no son de trabajo, sus ingresos para estampillas de comida sobrepasan a los estándares de ingresos brutos y/o netos para el tamaño de su unidad.

10 Net income over level at which benefits are issued

Your income is too high to receive SNAP benefits. Reapply if the number of people eating with you changes or your income or expenses change. PM 13-01

Sus ingresos son muy altos para recibir estampillas de comida. Solicite nuevamente si el número de personas que comen con usted cambia o si sus ingresos o gastos cambian. PM 13-01

23 Sponsor's liability.

Your alien sponsor's liability is sufficient to meet your needs. PM 09-01

La obligacion de su patrocinador como extranjero es suficiente para reunir sus necesidades.

41 Nonexempt assets exceed asset limit.

Your nonexempt assets exceed the asset limit for your unit. PM 07-04

Sus bienes, no exentos, exceden el maximo permitido para su unidad de ayuda/hogar.

53 Needs have decreased.

Because the needs of your SNAP unit have decreased, your SNAP income is over the gross and/or net income standards for your unit size. PM 13-01

Debido a que las necesidades de su unidad de estampillas de comida han disminuido, sus ingresos para estampillas de comida sobrepasan a los estándares de ingresos brutos y/o netos para el tamaño de su unidad.


Failed to provide requested proof of housing costs.

(Case centrally canceled)

(TA 22)

You did not provide the requested proof of your housing costs. PM 18-07 (FS)

Noncompliance with Program Requirements(TA 22, TA 23, TA 45) - SNAP Only (Category 08)

Noncompliance with Program Requirements(TA 22, TA 23, TA 45) - SNAP Only (Category
61 Refused to comply with work registration requirements.

You have refused to comply with work registration requirements. PM 03-15

Usted ha rehusado en cumplir con los requisitos de registro para trabajo.

93 Failed to cooperate with SNAP REDE requirements.

Your failure to cooperate with agency redetermination/recertification require- ments has made your unit ineligible for benefits. PM 01-03 PM 19-03

Su falta de cooperar con los requisitos de redeterminación/recertificación ha hecho que su unidad no sea elegible para beneficios.

96 Did not provide an SSN or apply for one.

Your failure to cooperate with the Social Security Number requirements has made your unit ineligible for benefits. PM 03-11

Su falta en cooperar con los requisitos del Número del Seguro Social ha hecho que su unidad no sea elegible para beneficios.

98 Ineligible due to noncompliance with SNAP Work Provision without good cause. NOTE: Use this TAR if the SNAP unit is ineligible for benefits as a result of the person's needs being deleted from the case. Send local Form 157F.
99 Refused to cooperate with a Quality Control review.

You have refused to cooperate with a Quality Control Review. PM 22-09

Usted ha rehusado en cooperar con una Revision de Control de Calidad.

new textR1 Customer failed to submit Mid-Point Report by the due date.

You failed to return you Mid-Point Report by (date centrally entered). PM 19-07-00.

Usted no devolvvio el formulario del Informe Mitad del Periodo para el (date centrally entered) PM 19-07-00.