27-33-04-a: Pending FS Application

Registering an Initial SNAP Application (TA 01)

  1. Registering an Initial FS Application (TA 01)
  2. Registering a SNAP Reapplication or SNAP REDE (TA 02)
  3. Actions on a Pending SNAP Application (TA 08)
  4. SNAP Denial (TA 05)

This sub-topic describes the TARs used when taking actions on pending SNAP applications. These actions affect SNAP applications on SNAP Only cases, Cash/SNAP cases, and Medical/SNAP cases.

Registering an Initial FS Application (TA 01)

Use the following TAR to register an initial SNAP application (TA 01).

  • TAR 01 - No SNAP benefits received in the prior or current fiscal month.

Registering a SNAP Reapplication or SNAP REDE (TA 02)

Use one of the following TARs to register a SNAP reapplication or SNAP REDE application (TA 02).

Registering a SNAP Reapplication or SNAP REDE (TA 02)
02 Received mercury FS benefits in prior or current fiscal month
03 Received regular roll SNAP in prior or current fiscal month - application processed at Intake
04 Received regular roll SNAP benefits in the prior or current fiscal month - application processed by Service Coordination
05 Reopen application (Valid with TA 01 or TA 02)

Reregistration of an application - application processed at Intake.

Used to restore a SNAP application to pending status on a pending Cash or Medical Application when a one or two month approval period was assigned.


Reregistration for case progression to Category 08 - application processed at Intake.

Used to restore a SNAP application to pending status when a one or two month approval period was assigned due to a pending Cash or Medical application, and the Cash or Medical application is determined ineligible. The SNAP application is progressed to Category 08.

07 Reregistration for case progression only - application processed at Intake

Actions on a Pending SNAP Application (TA 08)

Use one of the following TARs when taking an action on a pending application that is not being approved or denied (TA 08, Pending).

Actions on a Pending SNAP Application (TA 08)

Pending the application due to client fault

Process the action on the 30th day following the date of application, when the client delays the application process and benefits cannot be authorized by the 30th day.


Pending the application due to FCRC delay

Process the action on the 30th day when the FCRC delays the application process and cannot authorize benefits by the 30th day following the date of application.

69 Correct a caseload number

NOTE: When pending an application, if the 30th day falls on a weekend or holiday, pend the application on the last workday before the weekend or holiday.

SNAP Denial (TA 05)

For SNAP Denial TARs, see WAG 27-33-04-m.