27-03-01: Type Actions Used by the Family Community Resource Center

00 Void a Mercury or PE Transaction All Programs Use to void a mercury or PE transaction. The TAR used is that with the original transaction. Valid TARs for SNAP and cash transactions are TAR 31 (definer 2 or 4) and TAR 11 and 56 (definer 7). Valid TAR for PE transactions is 10.new textNote: IES does not generate a TA 00.  In order to change the amount of a mercury issuance, staff must recalculate and recertify that month in IES the same day.
01 Register an Initial (New) Application All Programs

Use to register an application when the unit has not previously received under this case number.

For SNAP, use to register an application when no SNAP Unit member received benefits in the prior or current fiscal month. Also use this code to reopen a new SNAP application which was denied.

The following programs require the entry of a TAR in Item 33:

02 Register a Reapplication or SNAP REDE Application All Programs

Use to register an application when the unit is currently receiving, or has previously received, under this case number.

For SNAP, use to register an application when at least one SNAP Unit member received benefits in the prior or current fiscal month. Also use to reopen a denied SNAP REDE application.

The following programs require the entry of a TAR in Item 33:

03 Transfer an Application All Programs Use to transfer an application to a new group number or between Family Community Resource Centers in multi-office counties. For Cash or Medical, use for inter-county transfers.
05 Denial All Programs

Use to deny a pending application.

Enter a TAR in Item 33.


Used For Pending Applications Only

Correct an Effective Date of Application, Change a Caseload Number or Address

All Programs Use with TAR 69 to change a caseload number. Use without a TAR to change an address or correct the date of application WAG 02-04-06-e).
08 Pend a SNAP Application SNAP Only and SNAP (under any category)

Client Delay
Use with TAR 04 to pend the application when the client brings in needed information late in the 30-day period and benefits cannot be provided by the 30th day.

Family Community Resource Center Delay
Use with TAR 05 to pend the application when you request verifications and cannot provide benefits by the 30th day.

10 Approve and Cancel All Programs except: SNAP, QMB Only, SLIB Only, and QI-1 Only

Enter a TAR in Item 33:

Cash Cases - Use to:

  • authorize IPE when a case is eligible for the IPE period, but not for the first regular roll month, OR
  • authorize medical only on a Cash case. Enter TAR 37 in Item 33. Medical is approved and the cash application is re-registered. 

MPE - Use to authorize medical benefits.

Single person Medical cases - Use to approve the case when the applicant dies before the case is approved. Enter the date of death in Item 41.

All Kids Assist and Moms & Babies - Use to approve when a woman is no longer pregnant but was eligible for the period being approved. Enter in Item 41 the ending medical eligibility date.

AABD Medical - Use to approve when an applicant was admitted to an institution before the approval and would be ineligible in the institution. Enter the date of entry into the institution in Item 42.

All Programs - Used to authorize PE for children under 19. No date is entered in Item 41.

For all TA 10 actions, a Form 552 is sent to the FCRC for both the approval and cancellation.

11 New Approval All Programs except: MPE

Use to approve a case for the first time and benefits were never received under this category. Enter a TAR in Item 33.

For SNAP, use this TA for all mercury approvals.

12 Reapplication Approval All Cash and Medical Programs, QMB Only, SLIB Only, QI-1 Only, and SNAP Only

Use to approve a case that previously received benefits in the same category but was canceled. Enter a TAR in Item 33.

For Spenddown, use this TA if the case is approved after the final month of the 12-month period and the case was previously enrolled in the same category.

Use if assistance is being restored with a new payee; however, use TA 11 for category 08, if the new payee was not previously assigned a case number.

12 Restoring Benefits All Cash and Medical Programs, and SNAP Only Use to restore benefits (see PM 19-04). Enter TAR 98 in Item 33. Only the address can be changed when processing a TA 12/TAR 98 action.
12 Restoring Benefits TANF Cash Use to restore benefits (see PM 19-04). Use TAR 92 when a TANF Cash case has an Item 80 sanction code with reason 92. Reenter all case information and change the sanction code, as appropriate.


13 Resumption AABD Cash, P3-TA, P3-MA, TANF

Use to resume a suspended case that is determined eligible to receive benefits.

Enter a TAR in Item 33.

14 New Payee All Cash and Medical Programs and SNAP Only

Use to authorize a new payee when there is no break in benefits. Use if, in addition to the new payee, the case is:

  • transferred between Family Community Resource Centers or groups, or
  • transferred between 04 and 06 or 94 and 96.

Enter in Item 33 the same TAR that would be used with TA 31 to identify the reason for the change.

NOTE: New persons cannot be added with this TA.

A new payee requires a new case number, except for a TEMP Payee or protective payee (PPP).

For Medical cases, this TA does not allow for a change in the established 12-month period.

A TA 47, Deletion of Former Payee, is centrally created to complete the action. The turnaround Form 552 shows TA 14.

15 Resumption with a New Payee TANF

Use to resume a suspended case with a new payee. Use this TA if, in addition to the new payee, the case is transferred:

  • between Family Community Resource Centers or groups, or
  • between 04 and 06.

Enter a TAR in Item 33.

A new payee also requires a new case number.

A TA 48, Transfer Out of Case in Suspension, is centrally created to complete the action. The turnaround Form 552 shows TA 15.

21 Suspension AABD Cash, P3-TA, P3-MA, TANF

Use to suspend a case that has not cooperated with specific program requirements.

Enter a TAR in Item 33.

  • AABD (TAR 73)

When a case is suspended, it can only be resumed, canceled, transferred, or certified.

22 Cancellation All Programs except: MPE

Use to cancel benefits when the case is no longer eligible.

Enter a TAR in Item 33.

23 Cancellation of a Suspended Case AABD Cash, P3-TA, P3-MA, TANF Use to cancel a suspended case.
30 Continuing Eligibility (MANG REDE) All MANG Programs

Use to authorize ongoing MANG eligibility when a REDE is completed.

A REDE is due every 12 months. The date in Item 32 is the last month of the 12-month period. When a REDE is completed Item 32 shows the last month of the new 12-month REDE cycle.

An action submitted by the cut-off date for the 12th month of the 12-month REDE cycle is considered current.

NOTE: For TA 30 do not enter a TAR in Item 33.

31 Change or Correction of Information All Programs except: MPE

Use to:

  • Change or correct information on the regular rolls.
  • Authorize mercury supplemental cash benefits.
  • Change Item 78, Type of Benefit, from 7 to 8 or from 8 to 7.
  • Report a regular roll SNAP REDE.
  • Authorize mercury FSE&T supportive service payments on a SNAP Only case. Use with TAR 30.

Enter a TAR in Item 33.

NOTE: Case numbers and unit members cannot be changed with TA 31.

34 Change in Unit Members All Programs except: MPE, QMB Only, SLIB Only, and QI-1 Only

Use to:

Add a person to a case. If the case receives SNAP Only, enter TAR 00 in Item 33.

NOTE: To add a 2nd parent or child to an 04 case and change the case to 06, use TA 42.

Delete a person from a case. Enter the TAR in Item 33 that describes the reason for the deletion.

NOTE: To delete an adult or child from an 06 case and change the case to 04, use TA 42.

Change a person's benefit status, Item 78, from a dash or 3 to 7 or 8, or from 7 or 8 to a dash. Enter the correct TAR in Item 33.

Add or delete an RPY (AABD and P3-MA).

Authorize an IPE to meet needs before the person is added on the regular roll (TANF, RRA, and CGA).

NOTE: Do not combine additions and deletions on the same TA 34 action.

For TANF and SNAP, if the monthly benefit is reduced for a reason other than the addition or deletion, process the TA 34 action first, then immediately process a 2nd action to make the other needed changes (e.g., budgeting).

Any data except case ID numbers can be added, deleted, or changed when processing a TA 34.

38 Change Case from Regular to P3, P4, or P6 TANF Cash except: P4 and P6; and AABD Cash except: 01

This is a correction code.

For TANF, use to change a regular case to PE, when an approval, restore, or resumption action incorrectly made a PE case a regular case. Enter code 90 in Item 39. If a notice is required, the Family Community Resource Center must send it to the client.

NOTE: Do not use TA 38 if there is a change in category or Family Community Resource Center. Use one of the 40-series codes.

For AABD, use to change an AABD case that was incorrectly approved as an 02 or 03 case to a P3 case.

39 Actions on a Canceled Case All Cash and Medical Programs Use to change information on a canceled case, such as in the following situations:
  • When a Spenddown case was canceled in unmet status, but monthly spenddown was met for each month that remained in the enrollment period, use to change spenddown to met. Enter a TAR in Item 33. When a monthly spenddown is met, use TA 55 (see WAG 18-05-13).
  • Use to certify a case that is suspended or has been canceled and no other action has been taken. Enter a TAR in Item 33. (P3, P4, and P6)
  • Use to add an eligible person to a canceled case for medical only. Enter a TAR in Item 33.
  • Use to add eligible person(s) to a medical extension on a canceled case. Enter a TAR in Item 33. (TANF)


40 Transfer-In of Active Case All Programs except: MPE

Use to transfer an active case from one Family Community Resource Center to another, or to change a group number.

Changes in needs, social data, etc., can be made with this TA, unless you are using TAR A8 (Quick Transfer-in). Persons may not be added with this TA.

For Cash and/or SNAP not done as a QTI (TAR A8), enter in Item 33 the TAR used with TA 31 that identifies the reason for the change in case status. If there is no change in the benefit amount enter TAR 42 or TAR 61.

For the transfer of a Category P3 case enter TAR 74 or TAR 75.

For Medical, a transfer can be processed at any time by the receiving Family Community Resource Center. You cannot change the established 12-month period of a Spenddown case with an inter-office transfer action.

For Cash, transfer the case based on the Schedule of Authorization Due Dates.

System creates TA 49, Transfer Out, to complete the action. The turnaround Form 552 shows TA 40.

41 Transfer-In and Resume AABD Cash, P3-TA, P3-MA, TANF

Use to transfer-in and resume a suspended case from another Family Community Resource Center or group and there is no change in payee.

Enter a TAR in Item 33.

NOTE: For a transfer-in and resume with a new payee, use TA 15.

System creates TA 48, Transfer-Out of Case in Suspension, to complete the action. The turnaround Form 552 shows TA 41.

42 Transfer Between 04 & 06 or 94 & 96 TANF, FHPs

Use to transfer between Category 04 and 06, or 94 and 96, when the number of parents in the home changes or when one parent in the home becomes unable, or able, to work.

For example, a separated spouse who is a parent of a child in the case returns to the home, making it a 2-parent case, and neither parent is under medical care.

Other changes in needs, social data, etc., can be made with this TA, and additions and deletions of persons to/from the unit. TA 42 (instead of TA 34) must be used to delete a parent from an 06 case and change the case to 04.

For transfers between Regular 94 and 96, this action does not permit a change in the established 12-month period.

NOTE: For a transfer with a new payee, use TA 14 or TA 15.

System creates TA 49, Transfer Out, to complete the action. The turnaround Form 552 shows TA 42.

44 Transfer-In and Suspend AABD Cash, P3-TA, P3-MA, TANF

Use to transfer-in a case from another Family Community Resource Center and suspend at the same time. Changes in needs, income, or social data can be made with this TA. Additions of persons to the unit cannot be made with this TA.

System creates TA 49, Transfer Out, to complete the action. The turnaround Form 552 shows TA 44.

45 Transfer-In and Cancel All Programs except: MPE

Use to transfer-in a case from another Family Community Resource Center and cancel at the same time. Changes in need, income, or social data can be processed with this TA. Additions of persons to the unit cannot be made with this TA.

Enter a TAR in Item 33.

System creates TA 49, Transfer Out, to complete the action. The turnaround Form 552 shows TA 45.

46 Transfer-In of a Suspended Case AABD Cash, P3-TA, P3-MA, TANF

Use to transfer-in a suspended case from another Family Community Resource Center. Changes in need, income, or social data can be made with this TA. Additions of persons to the unit cannot be made with this TA.

System creates TA 48, Transfer-Out of Case in Suspension, to complete the action. The turnaround Form 552 shows TA 46.

55 Replace Cash or Medical Card or Issue One-Month MediPlan Card All Cash and Medical Programs and MPE

Use to:

  • Reissue voided cash benefits, or to reissue a Medical Card. For Medical Only cases, a TAR is not needed.
  • Reissue cash benefits when a stop payment order was made.
  • Authorize a one-month medical eligibility period for an active or canceled Spenddown case when monthly spenddown is met.
  • Authorize medical benefits for an MPE client in unmet spenddown status (see WAG 06-10-11-a).
  • Issue a Crisis Assistance payment (see WAG 06-03-01-b).

Enter a TAR in Item 33.

56 Issue Mercury SNAP Benefits SNAP Only and SNAP (under any category)

Use to issue mercury SNAP benefits other than for an initial month's benefits.

The request can be processed as early as the day after cut-off date for the effective fiscal month of the request.

Enter Code 7 in Item 4, and a TAR in Item 33 (see WAG 27-33-04-e).

62 Change Category/Case ID Number All Programs except: MPE

Use to:

For detailed instructions on use of TA 62 to change from one program determination (category) to another category (see WAG 25-07-04).

  • Change the category/Case ID number of a pending application.
  • Correct a basic number on an active case. For RRA Cash and TANF Cash, enter TAR 90 in Item 33. For all other categories, a TAR is not needed.

NOTE: A change in category can only be done on a pending application.

  • Change a pending SNAP application from one case ID number to another one with a different category. Do not enter a TAR in Item 33.

Other parts of Item 1 may be corrected at the same time, including the group number. To change a group number on an active case, use TA 40.

The system creates TA 61, Close Out of Former Case Number, to complete this action.

64 Transfer in a Canceled Case Continuous Eligibility Use to transfer in a canceled case receiving continuous eligibility.
81 Change a Case from Cash to Medical or Medical to Cash - NEW (SWAP) AABD, TANF, RRA

Use to change (SWAP) a case from Cash to Medical or from Medical to Cash, and the case has not received benefits under that program.

Enter a TAR in Item 33.

82 Change a Case from Cash to Medical or Medical to Cash - PRIOR (SWAP) AABD, TANF, RRA

Use to change (SWAP) a case from Cash to Medical or from Medical to Cash, and the case received benefits under that program.

Enter a TAR in Item 33.