Tips for Using the Manual


  • Whenever a new Manual Release or Official Memorandum is published, a News item appears on the right side of the manual home page. HCD staff should check the news items daily to keep up to date on current policy.
  • When the PM or WAG is revised, this symbol arrow indicates new, revised, or deleted text.


To search the manual, use the "Search OneNet" box at the top of the manual home page.

  1. Type in the word or phrase you are searching for.
  2. Click the "Search OneNet" button.
  3. The list of results that appears includes references from all of OneNet. Above the list is a box marked "Section" which is set to "All."
  4. To narrow down the search to the Manual only, click the arrow at the right of the Section box. From the drop-down menu, select "Current page and below."
  5. Click "Search."

This will give you a list of results from the manual only, rather than from all of OneNet.

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