WAG 25-06-09-f: Job Track

Changes in the JOBS Program were implemented as part of the Work and Responsibility Demonstration Project. These changes became effective 01/96. Changes in JOBS were implemented statewide except for the Auburn Park Family Community Resource Center and the Williamson County Family Community Resource Center. These 2 were made Research Sites.

In Auburn Park, newly approved cases were designated as either a C (control) or E (experimental) case via Item 80 code 780 WRD. No cases in Williamson County were assigned to the initiative. Effective 04/01/96, cases in Williamson County were assigned to C (control) or E (experimental) cases.

Under the new policy:

  • Exempt clients who volunteered for JOBS could be sanctioned for noncooperation.
  • Clients attending a postsecondary education program were required to work an average of 8 hours per week for JOBS to approve their education program and for them to receive supportive services.
  • Clients were limited to 24 months of below postsecondary education, other than elementary and high school.

The Job Track principles were incorporated into TANF with its implementation effective 07/97. All control cases were included.