earmarked income
Income that is restricted by court order or administrative rule, for the use of a particular person(s).
The process whereby all or part of a child support payment is specified for use of an SSI child, or for a child who does not receive cash benefits.
Earned Income Credit (EIC)
An extra tax refund credit for low-income people that is issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
EDM Inbox
Where workers access tasks related to a document, such as an ABE application or a verification document received for an application, that requires processing.
Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT)
A benefit distribution system that uses electronic funds transfer and automated teller machines. See Illinois Link.
Electronic Case Record (ECR)
A collection of all electronic files attached to a case in IES.
Electronic Document Management (EDM)
The process of distributing and storing documents (verifications, applications, etc.) electronically. Allows documents to be attached to a case and stored electronically instead of in a paper case file. The EDM features an inbox for caseworkers to store documents in a format similar to electronic mail.
Eligibility Determination and Benefit Calculation (EDBC)
The process for determining an individual's eligibility and level of assistance in IES.
Eligibility Determination Group (EDG)
A group of individuals that are tested together to determine eligibility for a specific program. It can be composed of one or more individuals in a single case (e.g., parents, children, grandparents, etc.).
Eligibility Modernization Oversight Group (EMOG)
The State leadership team charged with implementing the IES project in Illinois.
eligibility worker
A Family Community Resource Center worker who is responsible for making initial determinations of eligibility for applicants.
Employer Sponsored Insurance (ESI)
Health insurance that is available through an employer.
enumeration at birth
A program that allows mothers of newborns to make application for an SSN at the hospital.
The net value of property that reflects the current market value minus any debts against it.
Essential Health Benefits
The ten (10) categories of benefits required by the ACA to be included in all qualified health insurance plans (QHP): ambulatory services, emergency services, hospitalization, labor, maternity and newborn, mental health, prescription drugs, rehabilitation, preventative and pediatric services.
expedited appointment
The process by which the Family Community Resource Center requests that child support schedule a custodial parent for an interview. This is usually done when a sanctioned custodial parent now wants to cooperate in the child support enforcement process.
Extra Periodic Check
The 3rd biweekly or 5th weekly pay included in a 30 day period. Extra periodic checks occur several times throughout the year.