Attachment B: Type Actions (TA) & Type Action Reasons (TARs)


The following chart is a list of the TA/TARs used to make changes or issue mercury TFS benefits on an active or inactive Category 94/96 or an inactive TANF case.

Active or Inactive Case

TA 05/TAR E2

Use to deny application when a person reapplies under the regular FS program, but is determined eligible for a benefit amount less than the TFS benefit amount.

Your Transitional Food Stamp benefit amount is more than the regular Food Stamp benefits.

La cantidad de sus beneficios de Estampillas de Comida Transicionales es mayor que la cantidad de sus beneficios regulares de Estampillas de Comida.

Active 94/96 Case
TA 32/TAR 31

Inactive Case
TA 39/TAR 65

Use to cancel TFS on an active 94/96 case; or

Inactive TANF or 94/96 cases when regular FS are approved in a higher amount.

Because you have been approved for food stamp benefits in a higher amount you no longer qualify for the Transitional Food Stamp program.

Debido a que usted ha sido aprobado para una cantidad mayor de beneficios de Estampillas de Comida, usted ya no califica para el programa de Estampillas de Comida Transicionales.

Active 94/96 case
TA 31/TAR C2

Inactive Case
TA 39/TAR 67 .

Use to reduce the number of eligible TFS household members coded in Item 80 code 172 on an active 94/96 case; or

Inactive TANF or 94/96 cases

Your Transitional Food Stamp benefits have been reduced because a member left your household.

Sus beneficios de Estampillas de Comida Transicionales han sido reducidos porque un miembro de su hogar se fue de su casa.

Inactive TANF Only

TA 32/TAR 30

TA 39/TAR 66

System uses to centrally cancel TFS when a TANF case is approved or reinstated.

Allows FCRC to cancel TFS benefits when TANF case is approved.

Due to the receipt of TANF benefits you no longer qualify for the Transitional Food Stamp program.

Debido a que recibe beneficios TANF, usted ya no califica para el programa de Estampillas de Comida Transicionales.

Active or Inactive Case
TA 56/TAR 72
System uses to centrally issue Mercury TFS benefits.
Active or Inactive Case
TA 31/TAR 42
Use to change the address when TFS household moves.