PM 23-06-02
Inactive Clients
NOTE: Once Form 2550 is sent and the disqualification starts, the disqualification period cannot be changed.
07 - 10-year Disqualification
NOTE: The disqualification period starts no later than the 2nd month after the calendar month of the IPV decision.
The Disqualified Recipient System (DRS) shows the "STRT" (start) date of the disqualification as the month after the month of the IPV decision. The "THRU" date is entered as a 6-digit date.
If a disqualified client files an application and the "THRU" date on DRS has:
Use the AIS or IPACS to process Mercury FS approvals when an FS unit member is disqualified for an IPV. The system counts the income and assets of the disqualified member when calculating Mercury benefits. If not suppressed, the central approval notice tells the FS unit why the member was not included in the benefits.
(FCRC) Complete Form 552:
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary Designate
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