Family Community Resource Center
The Family Community Resource Center stores canceled SNAP, GA, and TANF case records onsight for 6 months following the month of cancellation, AABD case records for 12 months following the month of cancellation, and denied applications for 90 days following the month of denial. After the initial storage period, the Family Community Resource Center sends the case records to the State Records Center (for downstate offices) or the Chicago Records Center (for offices in Cook County).
State Records Center
Inactive case records are destroyed by the Records Centers after 6 years if there is no outstanding overpayment. Records with an outstanding overpayment are kept until the Bureau of Collections releases the cases for destruction.
Inactive AABD records with no outstanding overpayment are destroyed after 5 years, and 5 years and 6 months for SNAP, GA, and TANF cases, if Federal record retention requirements are met. Denied case records with no outstanding overpayment are destroyed after 5 years, 9 months if Federal record retention requirements are met.