WAG 26-04-02-a: How to Complete C-13c

  1. (FCRC) Complete Disbursing Order Authorization (Form 256). Complete:
    • case name;
    • case ID number;
    • address;
    • item requested;
    • vendor's name and address;
    • vendor's Federal Employer's Identification Number (FEIN), if payment is to be made to an agency or organization, or Social Security Number (SSN), if payment is to be made to an individual;
    • calendar period covered;
    • amount to be paid; and
    • if the client is waiting in the office or if the C-13c will be mailed to the client.
    1. Use Code 612, Emergency Shelter, to approve payment to the Salvation Army Lodge in Chicago for emergency shelter.
    2. Write in red ink in the upper right hand corner, if appropriate either SSI APPLICANT or NOT SSI APPLICANT for a PE case.
  2. (FCRC) Send Form 256 to the Financial Unit. Hand carry it immediately if the client is waiting in the office. Route through intra-office mail if the C-13c is to be mailed.
  3. (Financial Unit) Prepares C-13c, immediately if client is waiting in the office.
  4. (Financial Unit) Returns all copies to the worker.
  5. (FCRC) Check C-13c for accuracy.
  6. (FCRC)Take all copies to the LOA or designee for signature.

    NOTE: In Cook County, the Financial Unit supervisor signs all the copies. 

    1. (LOA or Designee) Signs all copies of C-13c.
    2. (LOA or Designee) Returns all copies to the worker.

      NOTE: In Cook County, the Financial Unit keeps part 4 of the C-13c for the control file. 

  7. (FCRC) Give or mail parts 1, 2, 3, and 5 of the C-13c to the client.
    1. Return Part 4 to the Financial Unit.

      NOTE: Send a copy of C-13c, for a SSI application only, to:

      Administrative Vouchering Unit

      100 South Grand Ave. East

      Springfield, IL 62762 

      Send copies daily. No transmittal notice is required.

  8. (FCRC) Record the C-13c in the case record. Include:
    • why the C-13c was issued;
    • date and number of C-13c;
    • the amount;
    • the period covered; and
    • the vendor.
  9. (Client) Presents the C-13c to the vendor. Instructions to the vendor are printed on the reverse side of the C-13c.
  10. (Vendor) Sends parts 1, 2, and 3 to the Administrative Vouchering Unit for payment. Part 5 is kept by the vendor.
  11. (FCRC) Refer all vendor payment inquiries to the Administrative Vouchering Unit.