Complete a separate Form G-845S for each person needing additional verification.
Alien Registration Number or I-94 Number
Enter the Alien Registration Number as the letter A followed by a series of 7 to 9 digits. Include the Admission Number if available. The Admission Number is found on I-94, and may help in searches made during additional verification.
- Applicant's Name
Enter the person's last, first, and middle names. If documentation indicates more than one variation of the name, enter all versions.
- Nationality
Enter the foreign country to which the person owes legal allegiance. This is normally, but not always, the country of birth.
- Date of Birth
Use the MM/DD/YY format to enter the person's date of birth. If the complete date is not known, enter all known information.
- Social Security Number
Enter the person's 9-digit SSN, if known. Copy the number directly from the Social Security card whenever possible.
- Verification Number
Enter the Verification Number assigned when SAVE was queried, if applicable.
- Photocopy of Document Attached/Other Information Attached
Check the top box to indicate that USCIS documentation is attached. Check the bottom box if other information has been included in support or in lieu of USCIS documents.
NOTE: One or both of these boxes must be checked.
- Benefit/Your Case Number
Mark the blocks showing the types of aid the client has applied for. Show any case number(s).
Signing and Forwarding G-845S
Attach to Form G-845S a copy of at least one USCIS document for the person. If needed, also include copies of identification with a photo of the person.
NOTE: Copy all printed sides of the original USCIS document(s), unless the document is a foreign passport. For a foreign passport, attach only copies of those pages that show the issuing country, holder, and immigration status while in the U.S. (i.e., I-94 entry).
The worker who completed the G-845S must provide their name, title, and phone number, and the current date. Type or stamp the FCRC name and address in the block labeled "From." Place the required USCIS documents behind Form G-845S and staple together in the upper left corner. Enter the following address in the block labeled "To":
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service
Attn: Immigration Status Verification Unit
10 Fountain Plaza, 3rd Floor
Buffalo, NY 14202
File a copy of the completed Form G-845S and attached USCIS documents in the case record.
NOTE: If the USCIS document is an I-689 or I-688A and the Family Community Resource Center needs proof of specific biographical or other information in addition to the USCIS status, include a Consent of Disclosure (Form 3155) with the Form G-845S.
If a person claims to be in satisfactory USCIS status and is otherwise eligible, approve or continue benefits while additional verification is pending with USCIS.