WAG 23-05-01-c: Voided Checks With a Recoupment

PM 23-05-01-c.

When a check with a recoupment is voided and it is not rewritten:

  1. (FCRC) Send Form 2404C to the Field Recovery Unit, BOC, explaining the adjustment. For an AABDtext deleted case, decrease the amount for code 744 by the amount entered for code 639. This deducts the monthly recoupment amount from the amount recouped to date.

When a check with a recoupment is voided but is rewritten but a lesser recoupment is needed to continue the client's income at 90% of the Payment Level: 

  1. (FCRC) Do not recoup from the rewritten check.
  2. (FCRC) For AABDtext deleted, decrease the amount for code 744 by the amount entered for code 639, since no recoupment took place.
  3. (FCRC) Send Form 2404C to the Field Recovery Unit, BOC, explaining the reason for the adjustment.

If the voided check is rewritten and a greater recoupment would exist:

  1. (FCRC) Do not deduct the greater recoupment amount from the rewritten check.
  2. (FCRC) Recoup the amount entered before the check was voided.
  3. (FCRC) For AABDtext deleted, do not adjust code 744.

If the voided check is rewritten and the recoupment amount stays the same:

  1. (FCRC) Deduct the recoupment amount entered for code 639 when figuring the amount of the rewritten check.
  2. (FCRC) For AABDtext deleted, do not adjust code 744.