PM 24-02-04-a: Proof Needed

WAG 24-02-04-a

The client must give proof of the good cause claim.

Allow the person who claims good cause, 20 days from the day of the claim to give proof. Allow more time only if the proof is difficult to obtain.

New TextFor acceptable proof of domestic or sexual violence, see PM 21-01-05-b

Rape or Incest

When good cause is claimed due to rape or incest, the client must give proof that shows the child was conceived as the result of rape or incest. Proof includes:

  • birth certificates;
  • medical records;
  • police records.


When good cause is claimed due to a pending adoption, the client must give proof which includes:

  • court documents or other records showing the child is up for adoption;
  • a written statement from a social agency that the client is receiving help from that agency to resolve the issue of whether or not to give the child up for adoption, and the help has not lasted for more than 3 months.

Emotional Harm

When good cause is claimed due to emotional harm to the client or the child, the client must give proof which includes:

  • medical records showing the past and present mental health status of the client or child;
  • a written statement from a mental health professional showing that cooperation would harm the emotional health of the client or the child.

Domestic or Sexual Violence

Domestic or sexual violence is a major reason clients claim good cause. New TextDomestic and sexual violence are defined in PM 21-01-05.

Revised TextDomestic or sexual violence needs to be verified. Acceptable proof is explained in PM 21-01-05-b.

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