WAG 22-06-04: Vendor Claims

PM 22-06-04

Funeral homes and cemetery associations must submit separate claims. These claims must have itemized, dated receipts, or statements showing payment of all expenses.

  1. (Vendor) CompletesNew Manual MaterialIL444-0029, Funeral or Burial Claim form.

    NOTE: If the claim is for expenses for the disposal of limb(s), should be noted in Item 17. 

    1. Send New Manual MaterialIL444-0029, Funeral or Burial Claim form to New Manual Material The Funeral and Burial Unit to be centrally processed.
  1. (F&B) Review accuracy of New Manual MaterialIL444-0029, Funeral or Burial Claim form.
  2. New Manual Material
  3. New Manual Material (F&B) If the claim is denied or amended:
    1. Enter the reason for denial or amendment of the request or claim.
  4. New Manual Material(F&B)  Send the original New Manual MaterialIL444-1959, Funeral/Burial Notice of Decision to the person requesting payment.
    1. New Manual Materialupload into Electronic Case Record (ECR) 

Note: All Funeral and Burial Claims will be processed in LOTSS through the Funeral and Burial Unit in Springfield.