WAG 21-06-12: Report of Action

PM 21-06-12

revised manual textReport of Action

  1. SNAP E&T Provider:
    • Updates information in ISETS, when the customer becomes employed, or when other changes in circumstances occur which may reduce or end benefits. It is the customer's responsibility to report changes to the FCRC based on their reporting requirements.
  2. Office of Workforce Development:
    • Will create a task in IES to notify FCRCs of a change in participation status for customers who are engaged in an E&T component to meet the Work Requirement. 
    • Note: All SNAP customers participating in SNAP E&T are considered volunteers and cannot be sanctioned if they later decide to drop out of the program. A work sanction may still be imposed on customers who are not exempt from Work Provisions in (PM 03-15-01, regardless of their participation in SNAP E&T. When SNAP Work Requirement Time- Limited Benefits is in effect, customers participating in SNAP E&T to meet the Work Requirement and later decide to drop out, must find another way to meet the requirement monthly or be at risk of losing eligibility due to the time-limit.
  3. Customer:
    • Reports changes to the FCRC based on their reporting requirements. For Change Reporting SNAP households see PM 18-04-00 and PM 19-07-00 for Mid-Reporting SNAP households.
  4.  FCRC:
    • Explains the applicable reporting requirements to the SNAP household.
    • Determines continued eligibility based on the information reported via the task and/or the change reported by the customer.
  5. To replace checks reported lost or stolen, see WAG 22-02-01.