WAG 21-06-08: Provider and SNAP E&T Program Meetings

PM 21-06-08

Before the meeting:

  1. Office of Workforce Development & Provider:
    • revised manual textDesignates a representative to attend the meeting held in-person or via telephone conference.
  2. SNAP E&T Provider:
    • revised manual textAt least 3 work-days before the meeting, provides the Office of Workforce Development staff the Employment and Training Participant List (Form IL444-4333) that includes the name and the appropriate information of each customer the Provider serves.
    • Indicates if an in-depth discussion is needed.
    • Notifies other interested parties 3 workdays before the meeting.
  3. Office of Workforce Development:
    • Within 2 workdays of receipt of Form IL444-4333:
    • Verifies the customer's status and eligibility in IES for continued participation with the Provider.
    • Resolves any discrepancies between the Employment and Training List and IES information before the meeting.

SNAP E&T Provider Staffing

  1. SNAP E&T Provider:
    1. Before the meeting:
      • Completes Form IL444-4333 for each customer and sends to Workforce Development staff. Maintains a copy to refer to during the meeting
  2. Office of Workforce Development & SNAP E&T Provider:
    • At the meeting (in-person or via telephone conference), reviews the customer's case information and any related background information.
  3. Office of Workforce Development & SNAP E&T Provider:
    • Includes changes recommended as a result of the meeting in the customer's SNAP E&T Employability Plan.
  4. SNAP E&T Provider:
    • Maintains all staffing documents into the customer's case record.

Customer Staffing

  1. SNAP E&T Provider:
    • Before the meeting, completes an Employment and Training Staffing (Form IL444-4334) and sends with Form IL444-4333 to the Office of Workforce Development.
  2. Office of Workforce Development & SNAP E&T Provider:
    • At the meeting, reviews the progress reports for each customer identified on Form IL444-4333 as needing an in-depth review and decide the appropriate next steps for the customer.
    • Holds an in-depth discussion about each customer who is having problems progressing.
    • Discusses the current activity to determine if appropriate and new strategies to improve customer's progress.
      • Reviews all resources available to the customer; and
      • Shares information which may be unknown to the other party at the meeting.
  3. Office of Workforce Development & SNAP E&T Provider:
    • Reaches a decision on the appropriate next steps for the customer.
    • Schedules a follow-up meeting with the customer.
    • Completes and signs Form IL444-4334. deleted manual text
  4. SNAP E&T Provider:
    • Maintains a copy of the staffing documents for their record.