PM 23-02-02-a.
(Below is an example of when to refer an SIPV that is less than 3 consecutive months:
Example: The Family Community Resource Center received a crossmatch because Mr. S received food stamps in Illinois and another state at the same time. The Family Community Resource Center determined that Mr. S was actually living in the other state and was returning to Illinois each month to pick up his food stamps. Even though the overpayment was only 2 months, it was referred as an SIPV because the Department discovered the error and took action to prevent the overpayment from continuing.
To refer an overpayment as a suspected IPV, the FCRC must have documentation the member purposely withheld or misstated information.
NOTE: Documentation may not prove an error. For example, the name of a person on a lease is not proof of residence. The person may be the guarantor of payment, rather than a resident.
(FCRC) Send documentation about a suspected IPV to the Food Stamp Fraud Unit, 404 North 5th Street, Springfield, IL 62702.
Required documentation includes FS application and FS REDE forms signed by the client for the overpayment period.
Example 1: A new application is approved 02/95. The FS payee reports on the new application that he receives earned income. There is no other reported income for the unit. The unit is reapproved for 08/95. In 09/95 the FCRC is notified on Priority Action List (PAL) that the spouse has been working since 07/95. This income was not reported at the FS REDE. Send the FS approval and REDE forms to BQC.
Example 2: At the 05/95 FS REDE, the FS unit members are reported as one adult and 2 minor children. An anonymous call in 08/95 reports that one of the children has not lived there since 06/95. Verification of Living With (Form 2540) is sent to the landlord. The landlord verifies that the unit has been one adult and one child since 06/95. The change was not reported by the FS payee. Send the FS REDE form to BQC.
Other documentation may include, as appropriate:
NOTE: Do not make a suspected IPV decision. Record the reasons you suspect an IPV and send the documents to the Food Stamp Fraud Unit, 404 North 5th Street, Springfield, IL 62702. If the FCRC cannot document that the client withheld or misstated information on purpose, treat the overpayment as an Inadvertent Household Error.
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