Before authorizing initial month's benefits, complete an ANQR inquiry for each person listed on the SNAP application. If there is a matching record, complete an ACID inquiry for each matched case number. If anyone is included or had been included in a Cash, Medical, or SNAP Only case in the past 2 years, get the RIN from the ACID inquiry and enter it in Item 60.
Approving Initial Month's Mercury Benefits
(EW) To approve an SNAP application and authorize initial month's Mercury benefits via IPACS, complete the Form 552 used to register the application or complete a blank Form 552.
NOTE: If the approval is expedited, complete a SNAP Priority Processing (Form 2884) and attach it to Form 552.
- Approve and authorize initial month's benefits by completing Form 552 as follows:
- Item 1 - Complete.
- Item 2 - Enter the 4-digit month and year of the approval. For example, approval effective August 1998 is entered as 08-98.
- Item 3 - Enter TA 11.
- Item 4 - Enter 7.
- Items 5, 6, 8 - Complete.
- Items 9, 10 - Complete for SNAP Only (Category 08) cases that are not active on the regular rolls.
- Items 11, 12 - Enter dashes.
- Items 14-20 - Enter dashes.
- Item 21 - Enter one of the following codes for TAR 02 and TAR 04 when Item 80 295 RCE is coded Y in Supplied By column. Enter dashes in Item 21 if Item 80 295 RCE is not coded Y in Supplied By column.
-- |
Person is not Hispanic. |
01 |
Reads and speaks English. |
02 |
Speaks English - cannot read English. |
03 |
Reads English - cannot speak English. |
04 |
Cannot read or speak English. |
Item 22 - Complete.
- Item 23 - Complete.
- Item 33 - Enter one of the following codes:
02 |
First Month's Benefits (also use when the fiscal month of application has expired). |
04 |
Expedited (also use when the fiscal month of application has expired). |
07 |
Approval, No Mercury Benefits (SNAP unit is net income eligible but not entitled to benefits due to proration). |
26 |
Expedited Approval, No Mercury Benefits (SNAP unit is net income eligible but not entitled to benefits due to proration). |
- Item 38 - Enter the SNAP amount for the first month. If not entitled to benefits enter 0.00.
- Item 39 - Enter 00 or 91.
00 |
Form 360C centrally sent. |
91 |
Suppress Form 360C. The Family Community Resource Center prepares and mails the correct page(s) and section(s) of the Notice of Decision on Application for Cash, Medical and/or SNAP-Local (Form 360). |
- REMARKS - If anyone included in the SNAP Unit previously received cash or medical benefits, or SNAP Only benefits under a different case ID number, enter the former ID in REMARKS. Also enter the former RIN in Item 60, if that number was not recorded under the case ID entered in Item 1.
- Date of Interview - Enter the date of the application interview in REMARKS. To report the date, enter in the REMARKS box:
- Box 85 = MM/DD/YY
- Date of Entitlement to Expedited Service - For expedited benefits, enter in the REMARKS box:
- Box 86 = MM/DD/YY
- (the 6-digit date the worker discovered entitlement to expedited services).
Item 53 - Enter the county of residence. The county of residence is the 3 digit code corresponding to the office number of the FCRC located in the household's county of residence.
- Complete Items 60, 61, 66, and 78 for persons who are not included in the SNAP Payee's Cash or Medical case if that case is active on the regular rolls. The turnaround Form 552 includes the members of the SNAP Payee's case.
- Item 60 - Enter RIN, SSN, last name, and case ID number if included in a Cash or Medical case under another case ID. Also enter persons who are included in a pending Cash or Medical application. Enter First Name immediately below RIN.
- Item 61 - Complete.
- Items 62-65 - Enter dashes.
- Item 66 - Complete.
- Items 67-74 - Enter dashes.
- Item 75 - Enter the SSN of an ineligible unit member age 18 or older.
- Item 78 - Enter 7 for persons who receive cash including PE via another Form 552. Enter 8 for all other persons.
- Item 79 - Enter dashes.
- Item 80 - Complete for TAR 02 and TAR 04 only. Enter the payee's race/ethnic origin in code 295. Enter your best guess if the client refuses to give this information.
- Route the completed Form 552 to the Financial Unit.
- To authorize ongoing regular roll benefits, see the section titled "Approving Ongoing Benefits".
2nd Month's Benefits
The 2nd month's benefits may be authorized through AIS or in IPACS via data from Form 552.
(EW) If 2nd month's benefits must be made on the mercury rolls before the case can be authorized on the regular rolls, enter the information onto the proper AIS screens. If the application is authorized in IPACS, complete the original or a copy of the turnaround Form 552 from the first month's issuance or a blank Form 552. If a 3rd month's mercury benefits are needed, authorize them using these instructions.
NOTE: Second month's benefits can be entered in the terminal as early as the day after cut-off for the effective month of the authorization.
- Authorize 2nd month's benefits by completing Form 552 as instructed in the "Initial Benefits" section with the following exceptions:
- Item 3 - Enter 56.
- Item 33 - Enter 06.
- Remarks - Do not enter the date of interview. If a new member is included in the SNAP unit and that new member is included or had been included in a Cash, Medical, or Category 08 case in the past 2 years, get the RIN from the ACID inquiry and enter it in Item 60. Enter the former case ID number in REMARKS.
- Items 60, 61, 66, 78 - Complete as described in the "Initial Benefits" section, including any new FS unit member(s).
- Item 73 - For SNAP Only (Category 08), enter one of the following codes:
9 |
Mandatory SNAP E&T registrant - does not meet work requirement; or |
- |
Exempt from SNAP E&T or meets work requirement. |
- Route the completed Form 552 to the Financial Unit.
Approving Ongoing Benefits
One or 2-Month Approval Period
If an application is approved for a one-month period, no other authorization is needed. This also applies to applications approved for a 2-month period, when both months are authorized as mercuries.
More Than 2-Month Approval Period
To issue regular roll SNAP benefits for all types of SNAP units, if the application is processed through AIS, enter the information onto the correct AIS screens. If the application is processed through IPACS, complete Form 552 and route it to the Financial Unit.
To issue ongoing regular roll SNAP via IPACS, complete Form 552 as follows.
Single Unit Cash or Medical SNAP Cases (Does Not Apply to AABD Cash, RRA Cash, or RRA Medical SNAP Cases)
(EW) Complete the following Items on the Cash or Medical Form 552:
- Item 2 - Enter the 4-digit effective date (month/year).
- Item 3 - Complete.
- Item 4 - Enter 1 for a Cash case. No entry needed for a Medical case.
- Item 15 - Complete.
- Item 22 - Enter number of persons living together.
- Item 23 - Enter the number of SNAP eligible unit members.
- Item 24 - Enter the SNAP approval expiration date.
- Item 29 - Enter the SNAP income amount.
- Item 33 - Complete.
- Item 36 - Complete to enroll or exclude from EZ REDE status.
- Item 39 - Enter 90. Family Community Resource Center completes and sends the correct pages and sections of the local approval notice, Form 360 series, for Cash and/or SNAP approval.
- Item 78 - Enter a dash.
- Item 80 - Enter all required Needs codes.
AABD Cash, RRA Cash, and RRA Medical Single Unit SNAP Case
(EW) AIS cannot approve SNAP on AABD Cash, RRA Cash, or RRA Medical cases. These cases must be approved through IPACS using Form 552.
- Process AABD Cash, RRA Cash, and RRA Medical applications through the nonfinancial determination in AIS and, if eligible, approve the case through IPACS.
- Approve regular roll benefits by completing the following Items on the Cash or Medical Form 552:
- Item 2 - Enter the 4-digit effective date (month/year).
- Item 3 - Complete.
- Item 4 - Enter 1 for a Cash case. No entry needed for a Medical case.
- Item 15 - Complete.
- Item 22 - Enter number of persons living together.
- Item 23 - Enter the number of SNAP eligible unit members.
- Item 24 - Enter the SNAP approval expiration date.
- Item 29 - Enter the SNAP income amount.
- Item 33 - Complete.
- Item 36 - Complete to enroll or exclude from EZ REDE status.
- Item 39 - If the following criteria are met enter 00 in Item 39:
- Medical is backdated for the entire 3-month period before the month of application and none of the 3 backdated months are spenddown, and
- All the persons included in the SNAP application are included in the approved AABD Cash, RRA Cash, or RRA Medical case; or
- SNAP are authorized on the AABD Cash, RRA Cash, or RRA Medical case, and all the persons included in the SNAP application are included in the approved SNAP case.
- If the above criteria are not met, or the Family Community Resource Center wants to send a locally issued notice, enter in Item 39, code 90 for AABD or RRA Cash, or code 80 for RRA Medical. Prepare and send the correct pages and sections of the manual Form 360 series to advise the client of the SNAP and AABD or RRA Cash approval. For RRA Medical approvals, complete and send the correct disposition notice(s).
- Item 78 - Enter a dash.
- Item 80 - Enter all required Needs codes.
Single Unit SNAP Only (Category 08) Case
(EW) Complete ANQR and ACID inquiries for anyone not previously included in the SNAP unit. If the new member is included or had been included in a cash, medical, or SNAP Only case in the past 2 years, get the RIN from the ACID inquiry and enter it in Item 60 on Form 552.
Authorize regular roll benefits by completing Form 552 as follows:
- Item 1 - Enter the case ID number.
- Item 2 - Enter the first month and year the SNAP unit is eligible on the regular rolls.
- Item 3 - Enter TA 11 or TA 12.
- Item 4 - Enter 6.
- Item 5 - Enter caseload number.
- Item 8 - Enter the payee's name. If required, enter RPY after the payee's name.
- Items 9, 10 - Enter the unit's complete address.
- Items 11, 12 - Enter dashes.
- Item 14 - Enter a dash.
- Item 15 - Complete.
- Items 16-20 - Enter dashes.
- Item 21 -
- Item 22 - Enter the number of persons living together.
- Item 23 - Enter the number of SNAP eligible unit members.
- Item 24 - Enter the SNAP approval expiration date.
- Item 29 - Enter the SNAP income amount.
- Item 33 - Complete.
- Item 36 - Complete to enroll or exclude from EZ REDE status.
- Item 39 - Enter 00 or 91.
00 |
Form 360C centrally sent. |
91 |
Family Community Resource Center completes and sends the correct pages and sections of the manual Form 360 series. |
- REMARKS - If a new member being added to the SNAP unit previously received cash, medical, or SNAP benefits under a different case ID number, enter the former case ID number in REMARKS. Also enter the former RIN in Item 60, if that number was not recorded under the case ID number entered in Item 1.
Item 53 - Enter the county of residence. The county of residence is the 3 digit code corresponding to the office number of the FCRC located in the household's county of residence.
- Assistance Unit, complete Items 60-74, 78, & 79 as follows:
- Item 60 - Enter RIN, SSN, last name, and if the member is included in a Cash or Medical case enter their case ID number. Enter first name just below RIN.
- Enter an RPY's last name and verified SSN (if available). If the RPY is active in another case, enter the cross-reference case number.
- Item 61 - Complete.
- Item 62 - Complete.
- For the payee, enter one of the following codes:
02 |
Payee is active on this Form 552. This includes persons disqualified due to an IPV. |
25 |
Payee is not active on this Form 552 (RPY). |
- Only one person per case can be coded as the payee. Enter dashes for all other unit members.
- Items 63-65 - Enter dashes.
- Item 66 - Enter 1 or 2 for the payee's sex. For an RPY, if the information is unavailable, enter a dash.
- Items 67-72 - Enter dashes.
- Item 73 - Enter the FSE&T status code.
- Item 74 - Enter dashes.
- Item 75 - Enter the SSN of an ineligible SNAP unit member age 18 or older who lives with the unit and is not the payee. This does not apply to ineligible noncitizens.
- Item 78 - Enter 8 or X, as called for.
- Item 79 - Enter dashes.
- Item 80 - Enter all required Needs codes.
- Enter the payee's race/ethnic origin in Item 295 RCE code.
- Item 90 - Enter income codes and amounts.
Multiple Unit Cash or Medical SNAP Cases
(EW) For persons currently receiving cash or medical, use the assigned RIN. Complete ANQR and ACID inquiries for anyone not previously included in the SNAP unit. If the new member is included or had been included in a Cash, Medical, or SNAP Only case in the past 2 years, get the RIN from the ACID inquiry and enter it in Item 60.
NOTE: For AABD Cash, RRA Cash, or RRA Medical multiple unit SNAP cases, see the special instructions provided earlier in this sub-topic.
To approve benefits for all other multiple unit Cash or Medical SNAP cases, complete the following items on Form 552:
- Item 2 - Enter the 4-digit effective date (month/year).
- Item 3 - If Cash or Medical is also being authorized, enter the Cash or Medical TA. If authorizing SNAP via an active Form 552, enter TA 34.
- Item 15 - Complete.
- Item 22 - Enter the number of persons living together.
- Item 23 - Enter the number SNAP Eligible unit members.
- Item 24 - Enter the SNAP approval expiration date.
- Item 33 - Complete. If Cash or Medical is also being approved, enter the Cash or Medical TAR.
- Item 36 - Complete to enroll or exclude from EZ REDE status.
- Item 39 - Complete.
- For a Cash case, enter 90. The Family Community Resource Center must complete and send the correct pages and sections of the manual Form 360 series.
- For a Medical case, enter code 00, 80, 90, 91, or 92 as required by the case situation.
- REMARKS - When an RIN is entered in Item 60 that was not recorded under the case ID number entered in Item 1, enter the former case ID number.
- Complete Items 60, 61, 66, and 78 for persons who are not included in the SNAP Payee's Cash or Medical case. Enter the component unit member's information below a blank assistance unit line following the Cash or Medical unit members. The turnaround Form 552 includes the component unit members.
- Item 60 - Enter RIN, SSN, last name, and case ID number if included in a Cash or Medical case via another Form 552. Also enter this information for members who are included in a pending cash or medical application. Enter the first name just below RIN.
- Item 61 - Complete.
- Items 62-65 - Enter dashes.
- Item 66 - Complete.
- Items 67-72 - Enter dashes.
- Item 74 - Enter dashes.
- Item 78 - Enter a dash for members of the payee's cash case. Enter 7 (receives cash including PE via another Form 552) or 8 as required for all other persons.
- Item 79 - Enter dashes.
- Item 80 - Enter FS needs codes and amounts.
- Item 90 - Enter income codes and amounts.
Multiple Unit SNAP Only (Category 08) Payee Cases
(EW) For persons currently receiving benefits, use the assigned RIN. Complete ANQR and ACID inquiries for anyone not previously included in the SNAP unit. If a new member is included, or had been included in a cash, medical, or SNAP Only case in the past 2 years, get the RIN from the ACID inquiry and enter it in Item 60.
Authorize regular roll benefits by completing Form 552 as follows:
- Item 1 - Enter the case ID number.
- Item 2 - Enter the first month and year the case is eligible on the regular rolls.
- Item 3 - Enter TA 11 or TA 12.
- Item 4 - Enter 6.
- Item 5 - Enter caseload number.
- Item 8 - Enter the payee's name. If required, enter RPY after the payee's name.
- Items 9, 10 - Complete.
- Items 11, 12 - Enter dashes.
- Item 14 - Enter a dash.
- Item 15 - Complete.
- Items 16-20 - Enter dashes.
- Item 21 -
- Item 22 - Enter the number of persons living together.
- Item 23 - Enter the number of SNAP eligible unit members.
- Item 24 - Enter the SNAP approval expiration date.
- Item 33 - Complete.
- Item 36 - Complete to enroll or exclude from EI REDE status.
- Item 39 - Enter 00 or 91.
00 |
Form 360C centrally sent. |
91 |
Family Community Resource Center completes and sends the correct pages and sections of the manual Form 360 series. |
- REMARKS - If a new member being added to the SNAP unit previously received cash, medical, or SNAP benefits under a different case ID number, enter the former case ID number in REMARKS. Also enter the former RIN in Item 60, if that number was not recorded under the case ID number entered in Item 1.
Item 53 - Enter the county of residence. The county of residence is the 3 digit code corresponding to the office number of the FCRC located in the household's county of residence.
- Assistance Unit, complete Items 60-74, 78, & 79 as follows:
- Item 60 - Enter RIN, SSN, last name, and case ID number if included in a Cash or Medical case via another Form 552. Also enter the information for members who are included in a pending cash application. Enter the first name just below RIN.
- Enter an RPY's last name and verified SSN (if available). If the RPY is active in another case, enter the cross-reference case number.
- Item 61 - Complete.
- Item 62 - Complete.
- For the payee enter one of the following codes:
02 |
Payee is active on this Form 552. This includes persons disqualified due to an IPV. |
25 |
Payee is not active on this Form 552 (RPY). |
- Only one person per case can be coded as the payee. Enter dashes for all other unit members.
- Items 63-65 - Enter dashes.
- Item 66 - Enter 1 or 2 for the payee's sex. For an RPY, if the information is unavailable, enter a dash.
- Items 67-72 - Enter dashes.
- Item 73 - Enter the correct FSE&T status code.
- Item 74 - Enter dashes.
- Item 75 - Enter the SSN of an ineligible SNAP unit member age 18 or older who lives with the unit and is not the payee. This does not apply to ineligible noncitizens.
- Item 78 - Enter one of the following:
X |
Person is payee only and does not receive any SNAP benefits on this Form 552 |
7 |
Person receives cash, including PE, via another Form 552 |
8 |
All other persons |
- Item 79 - Enter dashes.
- Item 80 - Enter SNAP needs codes and amounts.
- Enter the payee's race/ethnic origin in item 295 code.
- Item 90 - Enter the income codes and amounts.
Component Cases for Multiple Unit Cases
On each component case's Form 552 enter 3 in Item 15, SNAP, and the SNAP payee's case number in Item 60. Enter the case ID number for the first person listed in Item 60, and reenter a dash in Item 78, Type of Benefit.