WAG 25-07-06-a: TANF Case

Zero benefit status is authorized when:

  • recoupment results in zero benefits;
  • the unit is ineligible for a cash payment due to a sanction;
  • the Family Community Resource Center determines a case is eligible through IPACS, but central budgeting determines the case is financially ineligible;
  • central budgeting determines a case ineligible for cash, but remains income eligible for SNAP;
  • a periodic extra check is received in the budget month that causes ineligibility for cash benefits in the payment month;
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  • the only child in a case turns age 18 and is coded B in Item 73, or turns 19;
  • Work First income causes ineligibility for a cash payment.

To authorize zero benefits complete the current Form 552 as follows:

  • Item 2 - Complete.
  • Item 3 - Enter TA 31.
  • Items 4, 6 - Complete.
  • Item 33 - Enter TAR that describes the reason for the action.
  • Item 34 - Zero benefit reasons, entered centrally or by the Family Community Resource Center.
    • Code 1 - Centrally entered when recoupment results in a zero grant.
    • Code 3 - Centrally entered when all unit members are coded 3 in Item 78.

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    • Code 7 - A case is centrally placed in zero grant status using Code 7 when one of the following situations occurs.

      NOTE: When a case is placed in zero grant with Code 7, the case immediately appears on a batch exception list.

      1. When the system determines a TANF case ineligible for cash, but income eligible for SNAP.
      2. When there is the receipt of, or changes in earned income or child support, and the Family Community Resource Center determines the case to be income eligible, but the system determines the case to be income ineligible.
      3. When the only child in a TANF case turns age 18 and is Coded B in Item 73, and the unit remains income eligible for SNAP.
      4. When the only child in a TANF case turns age 19, and the unit remains income eligible for SNAP. 
    • Code 8 - Used when a periodic extra check received in the budget month makes a case ineligible for a cash payment in the payment month. This code can be locally entered when the case is processed through IPACS, or centrally entered when the case is processed through ACM.
    • Code B - Centrally entered when Work First income (Item 90 code 506) causes case to be in zero grant.
    • Code C - Centrally entered when a case is ineligible for cash due to a sanction based on the presence of an active Item 80 code 165, 166, or 176 and Item 90 code 512 equals the cash payment. Code C cannot be entered or deleted by the FCRC.
    • Code E - Centrally entered when a case is ineligible due to 60-month limit.
    • Code F - Only child in case 18 and not in full-time school attendance. Centrally Entered.
  • Item 39 - Complete, if required.
  • Item 44 - Complete (see WAG 27-44-00).
  • Items 90, 91 - Complete, if required.

Ending Zero Benefit Status

To remove a case from zero benefit status, complete Form 552 as follows:

  • Item 2 - Enter the effective month and year (4-digit date)
  • Item 3 - Enter TA 31.
  • Item 33 - Enter the correct TAR.
  • Item 34 - Delete the zero benefit reason code.
  • Items 90, 91 - Complete, if required.