WAG 19-07-00
The Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 allows states the option to establish a Simplified Reporting System for SNAP. Effective December 2015, Mid-Point Reporting (MPR) replaced EZ REDE as Illinois' Simplified Reporting System for SNAP.
A Mid-Point Reporting household is a regular roll:
- TANF case (with or without SNAP) and there is earned income to budget on the case; or
- A case in any program category with SNAP benefits except for the following are in Change Reporting:
- SNAP households whose adult members are all qualifying members and there is no earned income to budget on the case; or
- Only when the SNAP Work Requirement Time-Limited Benefits policy is in effect, SNAP households whose county of residence is in a nonwaived area of the state.
- Note: Effective 07/01/2022, Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) waiver approval allows the entire state to continue to be exempt from the SNAP Work Requirement Time-Limited Benefits policy through
10/31/2025 based on Illinois' high unemployment rate. The SNAP Work Requirement Time-Limited Benefits policy is NOT in effect for any county in the State.
; or
- TANF case with SNAP and there is no earned income to budget on the case.
- See PM 19-07-01 for a complete description of a Mid-Point Reporting household.
Note: A SNAP household is defined as a household in which all members purchase and prepare food together.
- A Mid-Point Reporting case is redetermined every 12 months with an interim SNAP and TANF Mid-Point Report form completed in the 6th month of the approval period.
- The income amount for the next 12 months is based on the income received in the last 30 days, unless the unit reports a change. If a change is reported use best estimate based on the client's statement; see PM 13-02-03.
NOTE: For redeterminations on TANF Earned Income cases without SNAP benefits, see PM 19-02-01-c.
During the approval period, a Mid-Point Reporting household is only responsible to:
- report when their gross monthly income exceeds the Gross Monthly Income Standard for the household size; and
- complete the interim Mid-Point Report form when it is received. Must answer all questions and report any changes in circumstances related to the questions asked on the form (PM 19-07-07);
- report when an Able-bodied Adult without Dependents (ABAWDS) who is subject to the SNAP Work Requirement time limit has work hours that fall below 20 hours per week; and
- report when a substantial lottery or gambling winning is won as a cash prize of $4,500 or more won in a single game:
- at REDE; and
- Mid-Point Report; and
- by the 10th calendar day of the month after the month that the income or winnings are received during the certification period.
Note: A Mid-Point-Reporting household cannot wait until the Mid-Point Report or REDE to report the receipt of substantial lottery or gambling winnings. See PM 07-04-21.
Gross Monthly Income Exceeds Standard
When income exceeds the SNAP household's Gross Monthly Income Standard in a calendar month, the SNAP household must report this to the Family Community Resource Center (FCRC) by the 10th calendar day of the next month.
Address Change
Mid-Point Reporting household is not required to report an address change. If the household reports an address change or if an address change is received as a result of being reported to the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (IDHFS) medical programs, then the worker may act on the reported change. A worker should not request verification of information on changes that a Mid-Point Reporting household is not required to report.
A TANF case with earnings (no SNAP) in Mid-Point Reporting is only responsible to report changes when completing the interim Mid-Point Report form and at REDE. All questions must be answered and any changes in circumstances related to the questions asked on the Mid-Point Report and REDE, whichever is applicable, must be reported.