When a case is determined ineligible for Cash and/or Medical, and the case is not QMB or SLIB eligible, cancel the case. If the case is QMB or SLIB eligible, change the case status (see WAG 18-05-11 for QMB, or WAG 18-05-12 for SLIB).
- Cancel the case by completing the current Form 552 as follows:
- Item 2 - Enter the effective month and year (4-digits).
- Item 3 - Enter TA 22.
- Item 4 - Enter 1.
- Item 6 - Complete.
- Item 33 - Enter the TAR that describes the reason for the cancellation (see WAG 27-33-02-l).
- Item 39 - Enter the client notice code for the case situation (see WAG 27-39-02).
- Item 41 - Complete if the cancellation is due to death. Enter the 6-digit date of death.
- Item 42 - Complete if the cancellation is due to the client residing in a DHS facility. Enter the date of admission or readmission in Item 42, and TAR 77 in Item 33.
- Item 44 - Complete.
- Items 50-52 - Complete when it applies.
- Additions, changes, or deletions to Item 80 or 90 codes can be made with the cancellation action, but are not used in processing, or shown on the turnaround Form 552. The turnaround Form 552 shows the action taken in Item 3 and other entries as they existed before the month of cancellation.
- Send the case to closed files.
Before sending a NERF case record to closed files,
- remove the entire contents, forms and section dividers, from the pocket file; and
- bind the contents together with a rubber band and place in a manila folder.
NOTE: When a QMB only or SLIB only client requests cash or medical, cancel the QMB or SLIB case. When canceling the QMB or SLIB case, use TA 22 and TAR 95 to authorize a 3-month extension of QMB benefits. The extension is effective for the month of cancellation. An entry in Item 77 is not needed. Do not send a cancellation notice. The 3-month QMB/SLIB extension allows QMB/SLIB benefits to continue until a cash or medical determination is made.
Client Notices
For AABD Cash and Medical cases, when a cancellation is processed, Form 157C or Form 157NC is centrally generated unless suppressed in Item 39.
If a client files an appeal on or before the date of change, or within 10 days of the date of notice, whichever is later, restore benefits to the previous level pending the appeal decision, unless the client requests that benefits not be continued at the previous level (see WAG 01-07-04).
In the City of Chicago, if the reason for canceling an AABD Cash case is because the client is no longer blind or disabled (TAR 73), check the box on the front of Form 157 or on the back of the Notice of Decision for Assistance - AABD (Form 2509). The checked box advises the client to apply for General Assistance.
Actions on Food Stamps when a Cash or MANG Case is Canceled
If Cash or MANG and SNAP are ineligible for the same reason, enter code 00 in Item 39. The system centrally mails the cancellation notice, using the same cancellation reason message for both programs.
If Cash or MANG and SNAP are ineligible for different reasons, enter the TAR and client notice code that fits the case situation (see WAG 27-33-02-l and WAG 27-39-02).
When a Cash or MANG case is ineligible, and the SNAP case is not ineligible, determine ongoing eligibility for food stamps before you cancel the Cash or MANG case (see PM 18-04-12).
- If a one-month extension is required, send a Notice of Expiration (Form 1979) to the client. When processing the cash or MANG cancellation, enter code 91 in Item 39 to suppress the SNAP cancellation notice.
- If a Category 08 case is opened and SNAP are reduced, enter code 91 in Item 39 for the cash or MANG cancellation action, which suppresses the food stamp notice. The caseworker sends the SNAP notice.