WAG 19-06-01-k: Code U

This code lists for categories 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, and 96. Code U identifies discrepancies in the budgeting of Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UI).

Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) files are used to verify receipt of UI. This code identifies someone:

  • who is receiving UI and for whom no UI is currently budgeted under code 516 or 538 in Item 90; or
  • for whom UI is being budgeted in Item 90, but:
    • the IDES file does not show that the person receives UI and,
    • code 516 is not coded with an S in the Number Column (i.e., as out-of-state UI benefits); or
  • who is receiving UI, UI is being budgeted, but the budgeted amount (under code 516 without a Number code S or code 538) and the amount indicated on the IDES file differ by $25 or more.

A U code will not select for a case, even if it meets the selection criteria for code U, if:

  • the case is in EZ REDE (Item 36 coded R), or 
  • there is a code 655 UIEND present with a date under PERSONS that is:
    • up to two months prior to the month of the PAL,
    • the month of the PAL, or
    • the month following the PAL


  • there is no UI being budgeted for anyone on the case. This includes SNAP only members.

Example: If the IDES file shows a customer is receiving UI, the case will not appear as a U code on the 08/04 PAL if:

  • there is a code 655 UIEND in Item 80 with a date under PERSONS of 06/04 or later, and
  • there is no UI presently being budgeted on the case.

NOTE: The unreported receipt of Trade Reduction Act benefits will not result in the case selecting as a U code.

The amount of UI received is income-averaged. The income-averaged amount is computed as follows:

  • all the pays received during the calendar month are added together,
  • that sum is divided by the number of pays received and then multiplied by 2.15.

NOTE: During the period 06/12 through implementation of IES Phase 2 in 2015, SNAP approval periods were extended 6 months for SNAP only (category 08) and Family Health Plan (category 94/96) cases due for mail in rede.  Those cases coded with 801, 802, or 654 in Item 90 that have a SNAP benefit amount of $400 or higher were not extended. The cases with approval periods centrally extended were coded with a C, D, E, G, J, revised textK, or revised textL in Item 80 656 Total Cost field based on the time period for the extension. Codes C, D, E, G, or J in Item 80 656 Total Cost field are retained and displayed in ACID and on the Form 552.

For those converted cases coded with a R in Item 36 and a C, D, E, G,  J, revised textK, or revised textL in Total Cost field of Item 80 code 656 EZ RD, the system will select the case for any of the "match" months. Once the converted cases have matched for the appropriate months, the system will revert to the previous selection criteria so cases with an R in Item 36 will not be selected and will no longer appear on the PAL.

For related policy:

  • See PM 01-01-04 regarding confidentiality of case information.
  • See PM 02-07-03 regarding verification of eligibility factors.
  • See PM 03-11-00 regarding SSN discrepancy procedures.
  • See PM 10-02-00 and PM 10-04-00 regarding budgeting of income.
  • See PM 15-04-00 regarding consideration of income for Medical.
  • See PM 22-08-03 for a description of the AWVS inquiry system.
  • See WAG 23-04-00 regarding overpayments and recoupment/recovery procedures.

Casework Action

If UI benefits are being budgeted appropriately and any appropriate overpayment has been referred, no further action is needed. If the information is different:

  1. Verify that the IDES wage earner is the unit member rather than someone else using the same SSN and last name. If the SSN is incorrect, see WAG 03-11-00 for SSN discrepancy procedures.
  2. Run an AWVS inquiry to verify UI benefits already received and to determine if benefits are still being received.
  3. For cash, use the income verification from the AWVS to determine the overpayment. If an overpayment is found, report the overpayment and notify the customer (see PM 23-04-00).
  4. If the case remains eligible, budget the correct UI benefits.

    NOTE: Enter an S in the Number Column for code 516 if the UI is from a state other than Illinois. 

  5. If a Regular Medical case becomes Spenddown, send the customer Form 2434. Enter code 390 SPD in Item 80 of Form 552.
  6. If participating, review SNAP eligibility to determine the effect of any action taken on the TANF case.
  7. The appropriate way to clear a U code is to resolve the discrepancy which caused the U code to appear. Code U clears when:
    • UI is budgeted on Form 552 in an amount that is within $25 of the amount shown on the IDES file, or
    • code 655 is entered in Item 80 with the appropriate date, or
    • the appropriate corrections are made to Item 90 to show that the UI being received is from out of state, or
    • code U is entered in Item 52.