This code lists for categories 04 and 06. This code identifies a case containing a minor parent who is approaching their sixth month of receiving TANF without meeting the live-at-home policy or an exception to the policy.
When Item 20 is coded 26, Code M appears on the PAL four months following the date listed under PERSONS for the Item 80 code 688 MINOR. For example, if Item 80 code 688 MINOR has a date of 10/04 under PERSONS, code M will appear on the 02/05 PAL if Item 20 is coded 26. PAL code M will not appear if Item 20 is coded with anything other than 26.
When code M appears on the PAL, do the following:
- Contact the customer and determine the customer's present living arrangements.
- Revise the coding in Item 20 if the customer is now:
- SWAP the case to Medical using TA 81/82 and TAR 18 for the first regular roll month following the 6-month period of TANF eligibility if the customer is still not:
- living with a parent, adult relative, or legal guardian, or in a maternity home or other adult-supervised arrangement, and
- does not meet one of the exemptions to the minor parent live at home policy (e.g., the minor has married).
The SWAP action will clear the M code from the PAL.