WAG 19-04-02
If benefits were reduced or cancelled due to failure to cooperate and:
- for Cash and SNAP, the client cooperates (or agrees to cooperate as outlined in PM 19-04-02-a) by the end of the fiscal month after the date the reduced benefits were available or the cancelled benefits would have been available; or
- for Medical, the client who failed to cooperate during the REDE process cooperates and submits all required verifications prior to end of the third month (or 90 days if longer) following the last day of coverage; and
- the case remains eligible.
Restore assistance without a new application.
For medical, restore assistance with no loss of coverage.
Restoring Cash Assistance
For cash assistance, if the client cooperates within 10 workdays after the reduced or cancelled benefits were available, restore assistance with no loss in benefits.
For cash assistance, if the client cooperates after 10 workdays but prior to the end of the fiscal month benefits were reduced or cancelled, restore assistance effective the date of cooperation. Prorate benefits from the date of cooperation. Budget any non-exempt income as if no break in benefits occurred.
Restoring SNAP Assistance
When restoring SNAP benefits canceled due to failure to cooperate, prorate benefits from the date of cooperation if the client cooperates prior to the end of the fiscal month of cancellation.
- For households that are reinstated without filing a new application, do not change the original approval period.
- Failure to cooperate includes benefits cancelled for whereabouts unknown. Whereabouts unknown is the client's failure to report an address change.
- When a case is placed in zero grant, the action is considered a cancellation of cash assistance, not a reduction in cash benefits.
- For cash and SNAP, the day benefits would have been available is the Illinois Link system regular roll benefit availability date.
- For TANF cases, review the client's RSP when restoring assistance. Besides ensuring that the client cooperates in doing whatever they had failed to do, make sure they are meeting the requirements set out for them in their RSP. Review their ongoing plan. Update the plan as necessary.
Customer Cooperates After the End of the Fiscal Month of Cancelation
If the client cooperates after the fiscal month benefits were reduced or cancelled, the client must complete a new application or, if receiving medical, make a written request for cash to receive cash benefits.
Reinstating Medical Cases Canceled at Redetermination
Review eligibility for a medical case when the client cooperates with the redetermination by submitting all required documents prior to end of the third month (or 90 days if longer) following the last day of coverage.
- If the client cooperates timely and as long as all other factors of eligibility for medical benefits are met, reinstate the case;
- The benefit level may change at reinstatement, based on factors of eligibility, just as it would have if the client had responded timely;
- If the case is eligible for reinstatement, the effective date of reinstatement is retroactive to the first day for which coverage had been canceled. Therefore, the case is reopened with no loss in benefits;
- Do not reinstate a case if the client cooperates more than three months (or 90 days if longer) after the effective date of cancelation;
- If the client does not cooperate within 3 months (or 90 days if longer) following the last day of coverage, the client must reapply to be reviewed for medical benefits' eligibility;
- Medical benefits that are cancelled due to failure to cooperate may be reinstated if the client cooperates within 3 months (or 90 days if longer) following the last day of coverage. A new application is not required to reinstate benefits as long as the client is determined to be eligible.
Note: See PM 18-05-07-a for guidance when reinstating an adult to a Medical Extension Case.