WAG 19-03-06.
Any SNAP REDE application,
including SNAP REDEs for Mid-Point Reporting households, is considered to be filed timely as follows:
SNAP Units Approved for 3 or More Months
Consider the application timely when filed by the 15th day of the last fiscal month of the approval period.
If the SNAP unit was previously approved for 3 or more months, notify the unit of the decision on its SNAP REDE application by the end of the current approval period. If determined eligible, the unit must have its benefits available by the regular benefit availability date for the first month of the new approval period.
If, due to the 10-day verification standard, benefits cannot be made available by the regular benefit availability date, approve benefits within 5 workdays after the date the verifications are received.
SNAP Units Approved for 2 Months
The timeliness of the application is based on when the Notice of Eligibility/Expiration of Approval Period was sent.
Notice Sent by 28th Day of First Fiscal Month
When the Notice of Eligibility/Expiration of Approval Period is sent by the 28th day of the first fiscal month, the application is considered timely when filed by the 15th day of the 2nd fiscal month.
Notice Sent After 28th Day of First Fiscal Month
When the Notice of Eligibility/Expiration of Approval Period is sent after the 28th day of the first fiscal month, the application is considered timely when filed within 17 calendar days of the date of the notice.
If the SNAP unit meets the conditions required to receive ongoing benefits, approve the case so that benefits are available to the unit no later than 30 calendar days after the availability date of the unit's last benefits.
SNAP Units Approved For One Month
The application is considered timely when filed within 17 calendar days of the date of Notice of Eligibility/Expiration of Approval Period.
If the unit meets the conditions to receive ongoing benefits, approve the application so benefits are available no later than 30 calendar days after the availability date of the unit's last benefits.
If the SNAP unit was previously approved for one or 2 months, notify the unit of the decision on the SNAP REDE application no later than 30 calendar days after the availability date of the last benefits. If found eligible, approve and make the benefits available no later than 30 calendar days after the availability date of the last benefits.
If, due to the 10-day verification standard, benefits cannot be available by the regular availability date, approve benefits within 5 workdays after the date the verifications are received.
Deny the SNAP REDE application if the SNAP unit:
- refuses to cooperate in the SNAP REDE process, or
- fails to provide requested verifications within 10 calendar days from the date of request.