The following activities, or combination of activities, count for federal participation requirements for
TANF cases:
- employment (also includes self-employment, work-study, VISTA, and Job Corps);
work experience
- community service;
- job search and job readiness for up to 6 weeks in a 12-month period - no more than 4 weeks may be consecutive;
- vocational education training and associate/bachelor degree programs, not to exceed 12 months for an individual;
satisfactory attendance at a secondary school which leads to a GED or high school diploma for a parent under age 20.
TANF clients engaged in one of the Core activities listed above for 20 hours per week (30 hours for two work-eligible parents) may also participate in one of the following Non-Core activities to bring them up to the required number of hours:
- job skills training directly related to employment;
- education directly related to employment if a client doesn't have a GED or high school diploma.
NOTE: Satisfactory attendance at a secondary school which leads to a GED or high school diploma for a parent under age 20 meets the federal requirement. It is not necessary to report hours or to participate in an additional Non-Core activity.
The Department must meet federal requirements for the number of hours per week and the percent of families in countable work activities. The amount of hours per week and the percents are:
Year |
Hours |
Percentage |
1998 |
20 hours per week |
30% of the families |
1999 |
25 hours per week |
35% of the families |
2000 |
30 hours per week |
40% of the families |
2001 |
30 hours per week |
45% of the families |
2002 |
30 hours per week |
50% of the families |
The federal requirements for 2-parent families are:
Year |
Hours |
Percentage |
1998 |
35 hours per week |
75% of the families |
1999 on |
35 hours per week |
90% of the families |