WAG 19-02-03
IES Phase 2 Process
Upon implementation of the Integrated Eligibility System (IES) phase 2, the process for completing a redetermination is changed.
Form IL444-0008 Report of Real & Personal Property will not be generated by IES. Staff from HFS Bureau of Collections will obtain resource information directly from IES on a periodic basis.
The REDE due date is by cutoff in the last month of the certification period.
Additional information regarding the IES medical REDE process is in PM 19-02-04.
An AABD Cash REDE includes proving eligibility factors that show an ongoing need for AABD Cash benefits. The AABD Cash REDE must be completed every 12 months. A REDE form is generated by IES when a redetermination of benefits is due. This is centrally generated by IES and mailed 60 days prior to the certification end date. For example, if the last day of the certification period is 11/30/16, the form is mailed 10/1/16.
Legacy Process
For AABD Cash customers, including those in zero grant status and those in sheltered care, a REDE is required at least once a year. See PM 19-02-03-b for proving ongoing eligibility.
- For Community Regular cases: Complete a REDE at least every 12 months (see PM Chapter 18 for processing changes in the case).
- For Community Spenddown cases: Complete a REDE for cases in the same way as a Community Regular case, for cases that:
- have met the spenddown obligation in the 8th, 9th, or 10th month of the enrollment period; or
- receive QMB or SLIB.
- For Regular and Spenddown Nursing Home (NH) and Supportive Living Facility (SLF) cases: Complete a REDE at least every 12 months.
- For Regular and Spenddown NH, SLF, and Medical cases applying for or receiving Department on Aging (DoA) services with a community spouse or dependent family members who live in the community, complete a REDE each year by schedule 09 terminal entry date in the month of March.
- Act on any information that shows a change which may affect eligibility or indicates a change in status or the amount of spenddown obligation. See PM Chapter 18 for processing changes in the case.
- Review the current value of resources for self-support and exempt up to $6,000 only if the customer's circumstances meet the requirements in PM 07-02-11.
- Review funeral and burial contracts funded by assignment of life insurance to a trust and established on or after 07/01/12. The contract must name the State of Illinois as remainder beneficiary. Refer the contract to the Bureau of Collections on the Report of Real & Personal Property (Form IL444-0008; "DPA 8").
- For LTC cases, review current home equity and assess eligibility according to PM 01-08-02. Also review annuities, loans and contracts for deed to assure requirements in PM 07-02-20-b are met and that such financial instruments have been referred to the Bureau of Collections using Form IL444-0008 ("DPA 8").
- Determine if an AABD Medical case is financially and non-financially eligible for Cash Assistance.
For the following AABD Medical cases in which the data does not match or the case is not subject to a central REDE, FCRC staff must conduct a REDE:
- Spenddown cases (Community, NH, and SLF);
- NH and SLF cases with income other than SSI;
- NH cases in which the SSI amount is equal to $30 and the NH credit amount is greater than zero;
- NH, SLF, and Medical cases applying for or receiving DoA services with a community spouse or dependent family members who live in the community;
- Community cases in which there is no SSI amount; or
- cases excluded from central budgeting (see PM 22-14-03-a).
Do not take any REDE action on a case that has been centrally REDEd, unless information in the FCRC indicates a change which may affect eligibility.
All cases which are excluded from the central review process appear on the PAL for FCRC review.