NOTE: To issue SNAP benefits for a period covered by the old case number when a SNAP case was transferred to a new FCRC: the new office completes Form 552 with TA 56/TAR 09, the new case number, effective month and amount of the issuance and faxes it to the Exception Processing Unit (EPU) at 217-557-0474. This process does not apply to transfers between offices in Cook, Kane, Madison and St. Clair counties.
NOTE: If there is not enough time to receive the needed item(s) through the mail, the unit can take the information to the new Family Community Resource Center.
If the application was filed after the 15th day, issue 2 months benefits. For ongoing benefits, tell the unit to apply at the new Family Community Resource Center.
Establish a control to check at SNAP REDE whether the cash case record has been transferred in.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary Designate
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