WAG 18-07-03-b: Transfer-In of SNAP Case to New FCRC

  1. (Old FCRC) When a new address results in a transfer between offices, complete the change of address according to WAG 18-07-02.
  2. (New FCRC) At the discretion of the LOA, complete the Transfer In section of Case Record Transfer Checklist (Form 4349).
  3. (New FCRC) Immediately submit the Form 552 showing the new case ID number. To transfer the case without changes to social, Item 80, or Item 90 information, see WAG 18-07-03-d. To transfer the case with changes, complete Form 552 as follows:

FS Only (Category 08) Case

  • Item 1 -Enter FCRC number and new Case ID.
  • Item 2 -Enter 4-digit effective month and year.
  • Item 3 -Enter TA 40.
  • Item 4 -Enter 6.
  • Item 5 -Complete.
  • Item 29 -Complete if Item 80 is changed.
  • Item 60 -For multiple unit cases, enter cross-reference case number for each component unit.
  • Item 78 -Reenter Item 78. This includes the cross-reference case number on the component unit's Form 552.
  • Item 80 -new textWhen Item 53 is different than the office number in Item 1 and no 668 is coded on the 552, enter any needs codes and amounts that require change or correction. Enter code 668 OOC (Office of Choice) with the 4-digit date (mm/yy) of request in the Persons Column and 3-digit FCRC number of the Office of Choice in the Item Column.

NOTE: To issue SNAP benefits for a period covered by the old case number when a SNAP case was transferred to a new FCRC: the new office completes Form 552 with TA 56/TAR 09, the new case number, effective month and amount of the issuance and faxes it to the Exception Processing Unit (EPU) at 217-557-0474. This process does not apply to transfers between offices in Cook, Kane, Madison and St. Clair counties.

Initial or FS REDE Application Pending

  1. (Old FCRC) Telephone the Intake Administrator at the new Family Community Resource Center to advise that the unit has a pending SNAP application.
  2. (Old FCRC) Send a memo to the other office confirming the telephone call.
  3. (Old FCRC) Process the application in the usual manner.
  4. (Old FCRC) If additional information is needed, request it using Instructions to Client (Form 267).

    NOTE: If there is not enough time to receive the needed item(s) through the mail, the unit can take the information to the new Family Community Resource Center. 

  5. (New FCRC/Intake Admin./Designee) 5. Receives information from the client and telephones the old office to report receipt.
  6. (Old FCRC) Make a decision on the application.
    1. Denial - If the unit is ineligible, or the requested information was not provided, deny the application.
    2. Approval - Initial Application - If the unit is eligible for the fiscal month of application and the application was filed by the 15th day of the fiscal month, issue benefits for that month only.

      If the application was filed after the 15th day, issue 2 months benefits. For ongoing benefits, tell the unit to apply at the new Family Community Resource Center. 

    3. Approval - FS REDE - If the unit is eligible, assign a normal approval period before transferring the case. See PM 17-05-02 for approval periods.
  7. Upon receipt of the turnaround Form 552 showing the new address, immediately transfer the case to the Family Community Resource Center that serves the unit's new address.

Move During Last Month of the Approval Period

  1. (Old FCRC) When the unit has not filed an SNAP REDE application, change the address and immediately transfer the case.
  2. (New FCRC) When the client files an SNAP REDE application, process it as follows:
    1. For Cash cases, if eligible, open an SNAP Only case pending the receipt of the cash case and
      • assign a one-month approval period if the case record has been sent from the old office or
      • assign a 2-month approval period if the case record has not yet been sent.

        Establish a control to check at SNAP REDE whether the cash case record has been transferred in. 

    2. For SNAP Only cases, assign an approval period of one month. When the old approval period expires under the old FCRC office case number, the case will be centrally canceled.