WAG 18-07-03-a: Transfer-In of Cash Case to New FCRC or Facility

  1. (New FCRC) To transfer-in a case without making changes to social, Item 80, or Item 90 information, see WAG 18-07-03-d. To transfer-in the case with changes, complete Form 552 as follows:
    • Item 1 -Enter Family Community Resource Center number and new case ID.
    • Item 2 -Enter 4-digit effective month and year. The effective month and year is the first processing month during which the case can be deleted from the payroll of the Old FCRC office and added to the payroll of the New FCRC office.
    • Item 3 -Enter TA 40.
    • Items 4-6 -Complete.
    • Items 17-19, 21, & 30 -Complete for GA cases.
    • Item 45 -Complete, when required.
    • Item 46 -For AABD Direct Deposit cases, line out the entry in Item 46.
    • new textItem 80 -When Item 53 is different than the office number in Item 1 and no 668 is coded on the 552, enter code 668 OOC (Office of Choice) with the 4-digit date (mm/yy) of request in the Persons Column and 3-digit FCRC number of the Office of Choice in the Item Column.
    • NOTE: A person cannot be added to the unit on a transfer action. A separate action must be submitted to add the person(s) after the transfer is processed. 
  2. Review the case record and complete an ARS clearance (PF/F10) to determine if an overpayment was reported under the previous case number. If one was reported, report the change to the Bureau of Collections (see WAG 23-04-01).
  3. Issue Form 157 manually if there is a reduction in cash assistance due to the change in address or if there is a decrease in the SNAP amount. The system selects the case on Report Number R9450496-01 "Cases Reduced - No Notice Issued Centrally by Case Name within Family Community Resource Center".
  4. At the discretion of the LOA, complete the Transfer In section of Case Record Transfer Checklist (Form 4349).