PM 18-05-08: Closing Medical Extension

WAG 18-05-08.

Revised TextIES closes Medical Extension (ME) benefits:

  • Revised Textif the first quarterly HFS 3361 is not bypassed (see PM 18-05-07-b), and it is not returned by the due date, IES closes the adults' medical benefits effective the 7th month of the certification period;
  • Revised Textwhen the 2nd quarterly HFS 3361 is not returned by the due date, IES closes the adults' medical benefits effective the 8th month of the certification period; or
  • Revised Textfor the sixth month extension (months 7 through 12) if the requirements listed in PM 18-05-07 are not met.

Revised TextNote: If the medical extension benefits are closed during the 12-month ME certification period, any person under age 19 remains eligible under Continuous Eligibility per PM 18-05-01.

Revised Text