PM 18-05-04: Family Becomes Ineligible for a Nonfinancial Reason

WAG 18-05-04.

For TANF and Family Assist, failure to cooperate with the New Hire List is not considered a nonfinancial reason. These families, including the adults, receive extended medical (see PM 18-05-06).


If the nonfinancial reason does not apply to medical, only stop cash benefits.

If the nonfinancial reason applies to both cash and medical, terminate benefits for all persons except those under age 19 who remain eligible due to continuous eligibility.

Family Assist

A family who becomes ineligible for a nonfinancial reason no longer qualifies for Family Assist. Terminate benefits for all persons except those under age 19 who are eligible due to continuous eligibility.

FamilyCare Assist, All Kids Assist

When a family becomes ineligible for a nonfinancial reason, terminate benefits for all persons except those under age 19 who are eligible due to continuous eligibility.

Moms and Babies

A pregnant woman who is an Illinois resident remains eligible for medical through the end of the 60-day postpartum period, even if she becomes ineligible for another nonfinancial reason. If a pregnant woman loses Illinois residence, terminate benefits.