WAG 18-04-09-c
If the unit reports medical expenses and they are not currently receiving a Standard Medical Deduction, verify expenses exceed $35. If expenses exceed $35, allow a Standard Medical Deduction or actual medical expenses.
When a unit reports a change in medical expenses, request proof of the change if they opt to use actual medical expenses instead of a Standard Medical Deduction. Make the change once it is verified.
When a change in medical expenses is reported by someone other than a unit member, use the appropriate Standard Medical Deduction if the outside source provides proof that the medical expense(s) exceed $35. Do not ask the unit to verify the change.
Example 1: Ms. V has a Spenddown case with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. Ms. V does not report the change, but the hospital verifies a $150 emergency room bill. The bill does not meet Spenddown. IES shows Ms. V is receiving the Standard Medical Deduction
$185. Since Ms. V receives the appropriate SMD no other action is required.
Example 2: Mr. N has a Spenddown case with SNAP benefits. The Family Community Resource Center receives a call from the hospital indicating that Mr. N was a patient. Mr. N does not report a change. The hospital does not verify the bill. Mr. N is not asked to verify the bill.